Best LinkedIn Analytics Tools

The 5 Best LinkedIn Analytics Tools You Should Use For Better Insights!



LinkedIn is the official global home of professionals. Therefore, now you know why people call it the “social media platform for professionals.” Since it’s a professional marketing platform, you have to market your LinkedIn profile as a professional to see results. Therefore, you must use the right LinkedIn analytics tools to ensure your efforts go in the right direction.

Analyzing your LinkedIn marketing efforts is the best way to ensure success on LinkedIn and generate more leads. Therefore, read this post till the end to learn about the best LinkedIn Analytics tools you should use right now! However, do note that none of these are free LinkedIn Analytics tools.

1. Hootsuite Insights

Hootsuite Insights

Hootsuite Insights is a social media analytics tool that provides comprehensive analytics for various social media platforms, including LinkedIn.

Here’s why it’s considered as one of the best LinkedIn analytics tools:

Multi-Platform Integration

Hootsuite Insights aggregates data from multiple social media platforms, allowing users to compare and analyze LinkedIn performance alongside other social channels.

Therefore, this holistic view helps in understanding the broader social media landscape and how LinkedIn fits into the overall strategy.

In-Depth Insights

It offers deeper insights beyond basic metrics. Users can delve into sentiment analysis, identifying positive, negative, or neutral sentiments around their brand or specific topics.

Therefore, this sentiment analysis can be crucial for understanding how the audience perceives content and the brand on LinkedIn. This is one of the best LinkedIn creator mode benefits.

Competitor Analysis

Hootsuite Insights enables users to track and benchmark their LinkedIn performance against competitors. Therefore, understanding how competitors engage with people and how effective their content is provides insights for refining your LinkedIn strategy.

Advanced Reporting

Hootsuite Insights provides robust reporting capabilities. Therefore, users can generate detailed reports with customizable metrics, graphs, and charts. This facilitates clear and insightful presentations of LinkedIn performance for internal stakeholders or clients.

Audience Segmentation

The tool allows for audience segmentation based on various parameters like demographics, location, or behavior. Therefore, this segmentation helps in tailoring content strategies to specific LinkedIn audience segments, increasing relevance and engagement.

Integration With Hootsuite’s Suite Of Tools

Hootsuite Insights seamlessly integrates with other Hootsuite products. Therefore, this allows users to manage their social media activities, schedule posts, and engage with their audience efficiently. This is why this is an amazing LinkedIn scraping tool.

2. Keyhole


Keyhole is a social media analytics tool known for its comprehensive analytics across various platforms, including LinkedIn Premium.

Here’s why it’s considered as one of the best LinkedIn analytics tools:

Hashtag Tracking

Keyhole specializes in tracking hashtags across social media platforms, including LinkedIn. Users can monitor the performance of specific hashtags, campaigns, or industry-related topics on LinkedIn. This insight helps in understanding the reach and engagement of hashtag-driven content.

Competitor Analysis

The tool allows users to monitor competitors’ activities and benchmark their performance against industry rivals on LinkedIn. Understanding how competitors engage with their audience and the success of their content strategies provides valuable insights for optimizing one’s own approach.

In-Depth Metrics

Keyhole offers in-depth metrics and analytics beyond basic engagement numbers. It provides insights into audience sentiment, influencer identification, top-performing content, and audience demographics. Therefore, these insights help understand audience preferences and tailor content accordingly.

Reporting And Analytics

Keyhole provides robust reporting capabilities. Therefore, users can generate detailed reports with customizable metrics, graphs, and charts. Moreover, it makes it easier to present and share insights with stakeholders or clients. In addition, these reports offer actionable insights for refining LinkedIn strategies.

Integration And Ease Of Use

Keyhole offers user-friendly interfaces and integrates with other tools or platforms. Therefore, this integration capability allows for a seamless workflow, combining analytics with other social media management tasks.

3. Social Champ

Social Champ

Social Champ is a social media management and analytics tool that offers various features, including analytics for LinkedIn.

Here’s why it’s considered as one of the best LinkedIn analytics tools:

Scheduling And Publishing

Social Champ allows users to schedule and publish content on LinkedIn, enabling them to plan their content strategy in advance. Therefore, the scheduling feature helps in maintaining a consistent presence on LinkedIn, which is key to audience engagement.

Analytics Dashboard

The platform provides an analytics dashboard specifically tailored for LinkedIn. Users can track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, engagement rates, follower growth, and demographics. Therefore, this helps in assessing the performance of content and understanding the audience’s preferences.

Content Performance Analysis

Social Champ offers insights into the performance of individual posts and content types. Therefore, users can identify which types of content (videos, articles, images, etc.) resonate best with their LinkedIn audience. In addition, this aids in optimizing future content creation.

Competitor Benchmarking

The tool allows for monitoring and benchmarking against competitors. Therefore, users can analyze competitors’ activities, content strategies, and audience engagement on LinkedIn. Moreover, this analysis helps identify trends and adapt strategies to stay competitive.

Hashtag Tracking And Monitoring

The tool includes hashtag tracking capabilities for LinkedIn, allowing users to monitor the performance of specific hashtags or campaigns. Therefore, this feature helps in understanding the reach and impact of hashtag-driven content.

Engagement Monitoring

Social Champ provides features to monitor and engage with audience interactions, including comments, messages, and mentions on LinkedIn. In addition, timely engagement with the audience enhances brand visibility and fosters relationships.

4. Brandwatch


Brandwatch is a social listening and analytics platform that provides comprehensive insights across various social media platforms, including LinkedIn.

Here’s why it’s considered as one of the best LinkedIn analytics tools:

Social Listening

Brandwatch excels in social listening. It allows users to monitor conversations, mentions, and trends related to their brand, industry, or specific keywords on LinkedIn. Therefore, this feature helps in understanding audience sentiment and emerging topics.

Real-Time Monitoring

Branswatch’s LinkedIn monitoring tools offer real-time monitoring of LinkedIn activities. Therefore, it enables users to stay updated on current trends and discussions. In addition, it also mentions what is relevant to your brand. Moreover, this real-time data is crucial for timely responses and engagement.

Competitor Analysis

Users can track and benchmark their LinkedIn performance against competitors. In addition, Brandwatch allows you to analyze competitors’ content strategies and audience engagement, providing ideas for improving your own strategy.

Sentiment Analysis

The platform employs advanced sentiment analysis to gauge audience sentiment on LinkedIn. Therefore, it can determine whether conversations about a brand or specific topics are positive, negative, or neutral. Understanding sentiment aids in reputation management and content strategy.

Hashtag Tracking

Brandwatch offers hashtag tracking capabilities on LinkedIn. Therefore, you can monitor the performance of specific hashtags or campaigns. In addition, it provides insights into the reach and engagement of hashtag-driven content. You can then generate the content using this LinkedIn AI Post generator!

In-Depth Reporting And Visualization

The Brandwatch tool generates detailed reports with customizable metrics, graphs, and charts. Moreover, their reports offer actionable insights and can be easily visualized. Therefore, making it easier to communicate findings to stakeholders or clients.

5. Report Garden

Report Garden

Report Garden is a comprehensive reporting and analytics tool that provides insights across various marketing channels, including LinkedIn.

Here’s why it’s considered as one of the best LinkedIn analytics tools:

Linkedin-Specific Metrics

Report Garden provides access to LinkedIn-specific metrics, such as impressions, clicks, engagement rates, follower growth, demographics, and content performance. Therefore, this allows for a detailed analysis of LinkedIn activities and audience interactions.

Campaign Performance Tracking

The tool allows for tracking and analyzing the performance of LinkedIn campaigns. Moreover, users can monitor the effectiveness of sponsored content, ad campaigns, or organic initiatives on LinkedIn, which can be optimized.

Audience Insights

Report Garden offers audience segmentation and demographic analysis for the LinkedIn audience. Therefore, understanding the characteristics and preferences of the audience helps in crafting targeted content strategies.

Integration And Data Visualization

The platform integrates with various data sources and marketing tools, facilitating easy data integration for comprehensive reporting. Additionally, it provides data visualization options, making it simpler to interpret and present LinkedIn analytics data effectively.

Ease Of Use And Collaboration

Report Garden features an intuitive interface that allows for easy navigation and report creation. In addition, it also supports collaboration, enabling multiple team members to work on reports and share insights seamlessly.

Scheduled And Automated Reporting

Users can schedule automated report generation and delivery. Therefore, this feature saves time by automatically updating reports with the latest LinkedIn analytics data. In addition, it also delivers them to specified recipients on a regular basis as well!


Using these LinkedIn analytics tools will help you see the current flaws in your LinkedIn marketing strategy. In addition, it will also help you check out your competitor’s marketing strategies and improve your tactics in the best way possible! Therefore, start using these analytical tools now!

If you need any help choosing between these LinkedIn analytics tools, let us know in the comments below!

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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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