brand protection

Brand Protection: Safeguard Your Brand From Potential Breach




Think of an imaginary situation where you are the owner of a successful brand and sell amazing products.

You have done really hard work for product branding and spent sleepless nights cooking an amazing brand marketing strategy for giving your customers the best. And now, people know your brand all over the world.

Feels good, right? However, sometimes, counterfeiters start to put the brand’s reputation at stake or copy your logo. If you search for your brand on any search engine, you will encounter a few knockoffs.

This is where you need brand protection. The business world is dynamic, and the market has fierce competition. People get information as soon as you speak of it. And this is why you need brand protection.

Brand Protection: Definition

Brand Protection Definition

Brand protection is the measure a company takes to protect its brand against using its trademarks without authorization, counterfeit products, and any other kind of infringement.

Many actions that fall under this, like keeping an eye on online markets in search of fake goods and, when needed, taking legal action.

Authenticity is the main aim of brand protection. It ensures that the reputation of the brand and the quality of the products are top-notch. Compliance with copyright laws also plays an important role. When you protect a brand, you protect its reputation and ensure that its customers can trust it.

When thinking of corporate or business branding, you must think of brand protection. And if you have plans for co-branding, then make sure you figure out the proper terms and conditions before you go all in.

Types Of Abuse & Brand Infringement

Types of Abuse & Brand Infringement

Basically, brand protection covers certain problems that an organization faces.

Some of the common problems are:

  • Malicious mobile apps
  • Typosquatting
  • Social media fraud
  • Business email compromise
  • Copyright infringement
  • Scam or fraud campaigns
  • Phishing attacks
  • Account takeovers

Trademark infringement is when an unauthorized party uses a registered trademark of any company without permission. This includes using the same name as another brand, or using a slogan of any other brand, or a similar logo. This confuses the users.

Counterfeiting is the process of producing fake products that look like the original product, and the packaging also matches. These products are of lower quality, and they sell at a lower price as well. This hampers the reputation of the original brand and its sales and affects brand loyalty.

Domain name hijacking is when someone registers a domain name like the existing site. Their main intention is to profit from it through advertising revenue or asking for payment for the return. This way, the customers are misled into fraudulent websites instead of legitimate ones.

Role Of Brand Protection Services

Role of brand protection services

Brand protection services make sure that there are no IP infringements. They check everything, giving you peace of mind that your products are safe. Various software takes care of this, and here is a list of the services it provides.

It Saves Time

Brand protection services allow workflow optimization and concentrate on the important elements of the product. It has automatic bot-powered searches and advanced image recognition technology. This crawls the web and discovers any potential infringement.

Machine learning and automated parameters let you relax and sit back as the software world for you and identify infringers.

It Prioritizes The Bigger Threats First

This service prioritizes the high-risk targets for your brand first and then moves to the ones that possess lower risks. This helps you identify the top infringing platforms and sellers and group IP infringements and helps you act against those immediately.

Enforce Automatically

This service helps in enforcing it and removes infringements automatically in huge numbers. It lets you set up rules that automatically apply to counterfeiters immediately.

Some of the best service providers allow you to manually review and think about which listings you want to take down. After enforcement, you will be able to monitor sellers and listings that you do not want to re-engage.

Keep Track Of Your Impact

Brand protection is not just limited to enforcement. The top brand protection services let you measure and assess the economic impact of your actions. They provide deep, insightful analysis that you have tailored for your brand and your protection goals.

Brand Protection Solutions And Strategies

Brand protection solutions and strategies

To protect your brand, you require a strong brand protection strategy. Here are some of the common examples of brand protection strategies.

Intellectual Property Portfolio Management

You must keep all your intellectual property in one place. It is important for their protection and management as well. Sometimes, brands do this in-house, and sometimes, they hire IP management providers.

Business Monitoring And Intelligence

It is very difficult to collect and analyze disparate data about infringement. However, it is one that should be prioritized. It depends on the industry if you will need both online and offline infringement, detecting counterfeiting operations, authentication of infringement, and any other efforts.

Threat Analysis

With the help of substantial data. A brand can determine the biggest infringement threats and brand abuse and tackle them first. Among these and business infringements, a brand can validate detected infringements.

IP Enforcement

IP protection is of utmost importance but quite difficult. Figuring out the parties and the type of infringement and then taking adequate actions against the abusers, from your end, as well as legally, takes a lot. This process often reports the issues to regulatory bodies.

Social Media Monitoring

As the number of online scammers and infringers is increasing, brands must keep a close eye on infringers and their social media accounts as well.

Monitoring Online Marketplace

If your brand is popular in online markets, that means the brand has a good presence in the market. When a brand is popular, there is a higher risk of counterfeiting. That is when you need more anti-counterfeiting efforts.

Online Advertising Monitoring

Brands that sell physical products also must monitor online ads. Here, they must keep monitoring the e-commerce advertisements that show counterfeit products. Listings of these knockoffs are a major problem.

Supply Chain And Partnership Monitoring

Brands can pursue IP abusers through their partners, the supply chain, sellers, and distributors. They often help in finding abuses and empower brand protection strategies.

What Will Happen If You Do Not Protect Your Brand?

What will happen if you do not protect your brand

A brand has to face various consequences if you do not apply brand protection.

Let’s have a look at those:

  • Reputation damage: Negative publicity that is caused by counterfeit products results in reputation damage.
  • Revenue loss: A brand’s sales are reduced because of the competition in the market for counterfeit products. So, the sales reduce, and in turn, the revenue reduces.
  • Legal issues: You must protect your brand for the sake of your reputation. Brands often file intellectual property infringement lawsuits as they fail to protect their copyrights and trademarks.

Brand Protection: At A Glance

To protect the reputation of your business, you must have a good brand protection strategy. You must figure out the types of brand infringement to protect your intellectual property from unauthorized misuse.

This will help you maintain your authenticity, and your loyal customers will stay happy. Investing in good brand protection measures can save a business from reputational damage and financial loss.

To run a successful business, you must have a good online presence. This is why protecting your brand is more important than ever. If you implement these protocols, you can monitor threats and stay assured that your business is safe from imposters.

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A self-proclaimed Swiftian, Instagram-holic, and blogger, Subhasree eats, breathes, and sleeps pop culture. When she is not imagining dates with Iron Man on Stark Tower (yes, she has the biggest crush on RDJ, which she won’t admit), she can be seen tweeting about the latest trends. Always the first one to break viral news, Subhasree is addicted to social media, and leaves out no opportunity of blogging about the same. She is our go-to source for the latest algorithm updates and our resident editor.

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