Write A Stellar Conclusion

Mastering The Art: How To Write A Stellar Conclusion For An Informative Essay



Writing an effective conclusion is an art. Of course, the same goes for all other parts of any essay. However, conclusions are about stating all the final ideas and at the same time highlighting each subtopic individually. But your first question might be, “How many sentences in a conclusion?”

Well, each academic paragraph should have a bare minimum of three sentences, and the final one is no exception. You may write more if you need to, but there always are only three key parts of a conclusion paragraph. We with EasyEssay will look at each of them to determine how they all come together to form a perfect ending for your essay.

So, without further ado, here’s how to write a conclusion for an informative essay.

Start By Restating Your Thesis

Yes, you read it right! If you’ve been wondering how to start a conclusion paragraph, the first thing you need to write is an updated version of your main statement. It shouldn’t just be some paraphrased content, but rather an updated version. You should take into account your most important takeaways from the information presented and the strategies you’ve used to come to your conclusion. In your outline, you can mark this first sentence as “thesis restatement” or “final points”. This element of the final paragraph’s structure is all about summing up everything you’ve covered in your paper as effectively as possible.

“But anyway, how long is a conclusion paragraph?” you may ask. Well, the simplest answer is, as short as possible. You need to dedicate no more than 10% of your essay’s word count to this part and make sure that it’s brief but meaningful. Just like a good school teacher keeps their explanations substantial and short, so does a skillful student in their essays. Of course, writing papers is not the best part of education for many learners. However, it’s important to do it on the highest possible level, not just for points but for your own development.

After all, you learn to phrase your own thoughts clearly when creating effective conclusions. That’s why that first sentence really matters in terms of mental exercise and overall presentation of your argument.

List The Key Takeaways

The informational essay format is pretty straightforward in that you organize and present some facts about your topic. Here are some pieces of advice on how to make it shine.

  • All paragraphs in such essays have a topic sentence with a key idea that you develop, discovering new details from various sources as you go. Essentially, that’s what you have to sum up when you write a conclusion to your paper.
  • Be attentive and choose only the key facts that you’d want to read if you didn’t have time for an entire essay. After all, everyone appreciates precision when it comes to informative pieces of writing!
  • For example, an informative paper about Alexander Hamilton will most likely feature his early life, the Revolutionary War, and his role in creating the US Constitution, as well as other achievements. In this case, your thesis will list all these stages, and the conclusion will answer the key questions about them. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, it’s really easy and not easy at the same time.
  • You need to figure out the key takeaway from each paragraph and jot it down, then condense all that information into one or two sentences. The main struggle here is not to sound wordy, but that’s possible with some practice.
  • A quick warning—the conclusion isn’t the right place for presenting new thoughts or facts. You might want to double-check if you’ve accidentally added anything new when editing your essay.

So What?

In the final sentence(s) of your concluding paragraph, you’ll need to answer this impolite-sounding question. After all, you have created an entire informative essay with multiple elements! Now is the time to let everyone know what all those quotes and facts tell us when combined and analyzed. In simple words, the final sentence should tell the reader why all they’ve read above matters. You’ll likely get extra points if this statement is memorable and thought-provoking.

Returning to the example about Alexander Hamilton, we can see there are lots of ways to craft and present that final sentence. It can be something like, “For these reasons, Hamilton is one of the most important Founding Fathers.” It’s a simple but nice final statement that fits the topic and uncovers the idea behind all the facts written above it. If you’ve followed all the other steps when crafting your conclusion, this may well be enough. However, you can always upgrade the sum-up by throwing in one of the facts you’ve discovered during your research.

For instance, you can always write, “Hamilton’s image on one of the key banknotes highlights his contribution to the American nation with well-deserved commemoration.” This one is on the lofty side, but you can always shift the tone. In any case, a reference to how the facts you’ve described have influenced the world around you is always a powerful move. That way, your prof will surely understand that you’ve gained real insigts. It’s also a cool way to impress and inspire your classmates.

Impressing With Real Facts

So, what is a concluding sentence, exactly? In simple words, it’s the final statement that should make your essay coherent and memorable to whoever reads it. This part should be brief, informative, and easy to understand. You should also remember that there are many ways of writing standard parts of the conclusion. You can fit a lot of creativity and insight into the academic regulations, and that’s all the more reason to experiment and improve.

It might help you to imagine that you’re a detective and your essay is a nearly-solved case. Look at your informative essay outline and select the key facts from your thesis statement and each topic sentence. Then ask yourself, what does it tell us about the subject of the essay? Once you’ve found the answer, remember to finish your conclusion with that thought.

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Tags creating effective conclusions effective conclusion start a conclusion paragraph Write A Stellar Conclusion
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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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