Rental Properties on Social Media

Promoting Rental Properties on Social Media: Do’s and Don’ts

published on: 28.08.2024 last updated on: 14.09.2024

Boost your real estate portfolio numbers by making the most of your social media pages. For many landlords, posting on social media is a passive endeavor that generates few leads with fewer returns. However, when you realize how it can help you tap into your target audience’s lives, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can fill vacancies, get more renters, and beat the competition. Read along with this article as we discuss the do’s and don’ts of promoting rental properties on social media. 

Do’s and Don’ts of Promoting Rental Properties on Social Media

When promoting any rental property over social media, here are some things you must do.


  1. Create High-Value Content

Attract potential tenants to your profile by prioritizing high-value content. It’s not enough to post what you think is entertaining or educational; you need to listen to your audience. Instead of posting generic pictures of your rental, create a more ‘wow,’ effect by showing a before and after.

Engage them during the renovation process by creating a content series discussing each stage of progress. Additionally, sharing valuable tips with your audience encourages prospective renters to leave comments, slide in your inbox to make further inquiries, and save your content, which boosts its visibility. 

  1. Optimize Your Profile

Make it easier for prospective renters to find your business by optimizing your page. Think about it, if you’re searching for a house online, which of these accounts are you more likely to trust, catlover_245 or rentalhomesinrichmond? So set up a business profile with accurate information to let tenants know what exactly you do, and use high-quality images to keep them interested. Additionally, Bay Property Management Group Richmond suggests creating a social posting plan to keep up with algorithm changes. 


Here is what you shouldn’t do when it comes to promoting rental properties on social media. Guide To Rental Property Safety: Essential Tips For Landlord

  1. Respond Negatively

Keep your temper in check when engaging with your online audience. It’s essential to let trolls get the best of you when they leave negative comments on your posts, as it can give the rest of your audience the impression your brand is violent.

Instead of thinking of a creative clapback that starts an argument, keep your responses professional and address negative feedback in a way that shows you care about tenants’ satisfaction and safety. 

  1. Post Low-Quality Images

Avoid getting pushed to the bottom of the algorithm by making low-effort posts. Many social media platforms, Instagram especially, are notorious for prioritizing high-quality images on their users’ ‘For You’ page. In other words, if your pictures aren’t well-lit, clear, or cropped awkwardly, they’re less likely to turn up in your target audience’s feed. So splurge on professional images and videos that highlight your property’s best features, and get your page more viewers. 

Top 3 Social Media Content to Target Tenants

Here are the top things to concentrate on when you are promoting your rental properties on social media.

Visual Content

Feed your audience’s eyes with premium visual content to get more followers. It’s not enough to list your property’s perks, you have to show it. After all, why tell me the backyard is perfect for hosting guests when you can shoot a reel with the lights lit and music in the background that sets the tone? Additionally, consider creating a video walkthrough that allows tenants to take a virtual tour through your house whenever it’s convenient for them.

You can also add other features like guided narration, or use 3D staging to make unfurnished apartments look more homely and enhance the visual appeal.  

Targeted Ads

Reach your target demographic with ads designed to appeal to them specifically. Yes, if you know your way around social media, the algorithm can be your best friend. SEO can help attract potential tenants by increasing visibility on online listing platforms. It often takes time and a lot of trial and error, so sometimes it’s better to just let Facebook, Instagram, or even Google ads do the bulk of the work.

These platforms can be more precise in reaching your target audience, which ensures that potential renters see your property and follow up for details. 

Feature Local Community

Sell the lifestyle tenants stand to have when they choose your rental. A beautiful home is great, but it often ranks second or even third when renters are home searching. For most people, commuting to their work or school takes precedence, and proximity to amenities is usually closely behind.

So don’t just share images of your property’s interior, post the local parks and restaurants within walking distance. You can even create content centered around, “things to do in the neighborhood,” or “best family-friendly spots near our rental.” 

Get Familiar with Fair Housing Laws

Avoid potential lawsuits by learning and being familiar with local and state housing laws of your jurisdiction. It’s one thing to highlight how family-friendly your neighborhood is and another to emphasize that the listing is only available to people in a certain age bracket or family structure.

Aside from looking less welcoming to potential tenants, many states have policies that prohibit such discrimination, including on other bases like religion, sex, and race. 

Tell the Truth in Your Ads

Some landlords tend to twist the facts or even flat-out lie about their property’s services to get more tenants. However, this short-term solution can backfire terribly if a disgruntled renter decides to take you to court. It’s best to avoid misrepresenting your property to prospective tenants as they can leave negative reviews that dissuade future tenants from renting, leading to more vacancies for your property. 

Respect Your Tenants’ Privacy

Prioritize your tenants’ privacy when creating content for social media. It’s easy to storm into an empty unit when you need to create content, but it’s a lot trickier when the apartment is occupied, and you have renters that need their space.

In such situations, landlords need to be mindful and avoid posting images or information that could compromise their tenants’ safety. It would be best to get written consent before sharing images or videos of an occupied property, especially if your tenants’ items or furniture are in the frame.  


Leverage social media to attract more prospective renters to your property. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook can be more than a routine checklist for your business, and with the right messaging, you can use it to get more leads.

For instance, when you optimize your profile and focus on creating high-value content, boost your chances of appearing on your prospective renters’ feeds. Also, don’t allow negative comments to draw you into an online argument that works against your brand.

It would be best to channel your energy to more productive efforts like posting high-quality images and using targeted ads that increase your overall visibility. Also, stay out of trouble by respecting your tenants’ privacy, telling the truth, and ensuring your social media captions follow fair housing laws.

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A self-proclaimed Swiftian, Instagram-holic, and blogger, Subhasree eats, breathes, and sleeps pop culture. When she is not imagining dates with Iron Man on Stark Tower (yes, she has the biggest crush on RDJ, which she won’t admit), she can be seen tweeting about the latest trends. Always the first one to break viral news, Subhasree is addicted to social media, and leaves out no opportunity of blogging about the same. She is our go-to source for the latest algorithm updates and our resident editor.

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