Content Writing Tips For Social Media Marketers

published on: 02.01.2024 last updated on: 21.10.2024

Social media marketing is essentially the type of marketing in which marketers create content and share it through platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and X to promote a certain brand or the products it offers. 

Here’s a quick heads up – there are different forms and types of content. Social media content is quite different from most other forms of writing.

There are different parameters to decide whether what you are writing is effective or not. Quality, indeed, is paramount here. But if you write it engagingly and if your content has all the right qualities, then it will be effective in attracting customers and leading them to the brand itself.

In this post, we’re going to look at some tips and help ensure that you are writing good content for your SMM campaign.

Social Media Marketing Content Writing Tips

Creating content for social media not only takes talent but also creativity and focus. Sometimes, even after having everything, one might not be able to create good social media content just because of disorganization. So, here are a few tips for beginners to make their social media content worth reading:

1. Get into the Habit of Writing First

Get into the Habit of Writing First

Here’s a tip for that social media marketer who’s been doing it all by themselves or with little to no staff members in their teams – ‘start writing first.’  If you overthink too much and spend time on analysis paralysis, you’ll hardly have anything on paper.

The first piece of advice is to start writing because you can always rewrite and edit things you have written.  It’s time to think past the grammar, spelling, punctuation, and the like. Since you are a marketer, you should already know the message you are trying to communicate to your target audience on social media. It’s time to write all that down.

You cannot publish a lousy work. But, once the hardest part (writing is done) is done, you can give it another day for the rewrites, spell checks, and adjustments to see if it contains the proper message you want to communicate.

So, first, start writing.

2. Learn Who You’re Writing for

Social media is a place where you influence your readers to take action. The content that you create for SMM has to be short. Since it is short, it has to be written immaculately so that the audience reads it through and takes the intended action.

This short, crisp, and solid writing can lead to your audiences engaging more in your social posts, reels, or polls.  

But for that to happen, write according to the audience’s tastes and preferences. When you want your audiences to do something for you, make sure you are familiar with them. You can build this familiarity by incorporating their taste preferences into your social posts, memes, and other social media copies. You have to perform audience research and then write in a tone and style that resonates with your readers.

When you write your content in this way, the readers appreciate the effort that you put into personalizing it. As a result, they view it positively and are more open to doing what the content tells them to do.

The main thing to keep in mind when tailoring content to the audience is to adjust the tone. The tone of the content is either formal or casual, either slangy or otherwise, etc., and you have to pick the right one based on the nature of your average reader.

3. Write in the Language of Social Media

Wondering how to create the written content for your social media channel? Start by learning the language of different social media platforms. There are multiple social media platforms, and each of them has a different vibe. Based on your target audience on each platform, your lingo will change.

For example, your voice on LinkedIn will be different from how you write on Instagram or Facebook. You have to pick the right content category and the right types of content for each platform. If you are on Linkedin, your content has to be more professional, educational, and of a thought leadership nature. 

But, if you are writing captions for your LinkedIn videos, you can skip the spell check or write everything in caps for a dramatic effect. In fact,  you can communicate using emojis alone.

4. Be Impactful

You have to start off your content writing for social media with a bang and then keep it going with a bang. You have to make it impactful so that the reader is hooked on reading it. When they are hooked on reading the content, they are more likely to follow the CTA at the end and take the action that the brand needs them to take.

So, how do you become impactful in the content? You use exciting and powerful words that pop out. Think of something like this:

BRRR! The winter chill is here, but so are our new sweaters here to combat it! Buy yours now from our online store and keep yourselves warm till it gets a bit warmer.

In this particular example, the use of the word “BRRR!” is an impactful choice since it stands out and attracts the attention of the reader.

5. Keep the Content Readable

Another thing to keep in mind about SMM content is that it has to be readable and easy to understand for your audience. You aren’t writing for a specific qualified audience; remember that. Social media is used by just about everyone, and you have to ensure that your content is readable by just about everyone as well.

You have to maintain readability by taking the following steps:

  1.     Use easy language in the content. Avoid using phrases and words that your audience doesn’t know about.
  2.   Don’t make the sentences long-winded. If the sentence is short, then your audience will be able to read it even if they are just scrolling past at a speed.
  3.   Use active voice instead of passive voice. While passive voice has to be avoided pretty much everywhere, it is more important in social media marketing content where engagement is key.

One thing that we like to do when we have trouble making content readable like this is using paraphrasing tools. You’ve probably heard of paraphrasing tools. There are a lot of them available nowadays, and you can find them on the Internet quite easily.

Paraphrasing tools rephrase the content that they are provided. This is the main working, in theory. However, nowadays, they are equipped with AI, which allows them to not only change the content but improve the quality. That is why we recommend using these tools when you have to make your SMM content readable.

You can try out for this purpose. It’s free to use, and you don’t have to sign up for it.

6. Check for Grammar Mistakes Before Publishing

Check for Grammar Mistakes Before Publishing

Intended spelling errors and quirky texts are fine. But, if you are writing for a professional platform like LinkedIn, you’ll have to ensure that the grammar and spelling are correct. Once you are done, be sure to check the grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 

Errors occur in content, even if you make a lot of effort to avoid them. The right thing to do about these errors and mistakes is to accept their inevitable presence and to take steps to eliminate them from the final draft.

You can check for grammar mistakes by simply proofreading the content after writing it. Other than proofreading, you can also use online tools to measure your progress. Grammarly is a popular online tool that you can use for this purpose. In fact, Google Docs has its own spelling and grammar-checking options that you can use. 

7. Use AI Responsibly

Don’t let AI become your writing Messiah. 

Surely, you can use ChatGPT, Gemini, and other common AI tools to create social media content. But, the final content output requires your involvement. You can add quick prompts and ask AI to create social media posts about your product.

But it’s you who knows the voice of your brand better. AI can generate the content you want. However, it’s your creative touch that adds a sense of familiarity and what matters to your audience.  

Conclusion And Final Thoughts

These are seven content writing tips that you can follow to write high-quality social media marketing content. You should a) conduct audience research to learn about your audience to tailor your content accordingly, b) make use of impactful language in the content, c) maintain readability, and d) keep an eye out for grammar errors.

Using online writing tools for these steps is also a good idea.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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