interactive videos

Interactive Videos – The Way For A Business To Get Noticed

published on: 26.07.2021 last updated on: 22.10.2024

The way a business is found on the internet relies upon digital marketing techniques. A business will stand out not because of its neon sign but because of its position in search lists.

Also, it will be about how engaging their website is when it comes to attracting consumers to products and having them come back for more. So, as a business, what can you do to make your website more engaging to customers? Well, you can opt to include an interactive video.

Let us use this space to find out more about interactive videos, such as how they work, attract customers, and, more importantly, sell more products.

What is an Interactive Video, and How Does it Work?

What is an Interactive Video and How Does it Work?

An interactive video allows internet users and consumers to become part of the viewing experience when a product is demonstrated online. Viewers can become highly engaged in an interactive video because they are controlling it themselves through clicking, scrolling, hovering, dragging, and the use of buttons and keystrokes.

Examples of Interactive Videos

Examples of Interactive Videos

The different types of interactive videos you can have include branched stories, hot spots, and interactive video quizzes.

Branched stores allow the viewer to choose the adventure. You can guide a viewer into exploring different aspects of a product by having them click on links.

It hands control to the viewer to find out the information they want to know, rather than the alternative of bombarding them with all the information from the start.

Hotspots will create visual interest by grabbing the attention of the viewer. Interactive quizzes will make for a more active viewing experience and also test the information that the viewer has taken in.

Feedback can be asked for via interactive videos. While you still have the consumer involved, they can tell you what is good and not so good about your product or services. This is invaluable information to help you know what the customer wants.

You can have links that allow a potential customer to buy a product while a promotional video is still playing. After all, once you have that viewer’s attention, the last thing you want to do is lose it before that all-important sale has been made.

Benefits Of Interactive Videos

Interactive videos have a lot of advantages, including improved knowledge retention, viewer engagement, higher conversion rates, and better user experience, and they also provide valuable data insights.

Personalized experience

When you allow users to make their own choices and interact with the video, it finds you the individual preferences, and you can create a personalized experience for your users. Interactive videos help you create a better experience for the customers.

Enhanced engagement

Interactive videos keep the users engaged for a while longer and allow them to participate in the content, giving them a more enjoyable and immersive experience.

Higher conversion rates

When you keep interactive elements, like clickable product links in shopping videos, it leades to higher conversion rates and increases viewer interaction. This is why interactive videos are an effective tool for marketing.

Data collection

Interactive videos have the power to collect valuable insights into user preferences and user behavior. It checks their interactions and provides data that you can later use to improve your marketing efforts and content strategy.

Improved learning outcomes

If you are making interactive videos for educational purposes, there is a chance that the videos will increase retention, and users will have a better understanding with the help of those interactive elements. It is known to engage users as well.

How Can You Create Good Interactive Videos?

There are certain parameters that you have to look after when you are creating an interactive video. Here are those parameters mentioned.

Strategy and planning

To begin with, you should have a clear objective when you are starting. Know what you aim for, like increased conversion, engagement, or education. Know your target audience. Create a storyboard that would map out the interactive element and make sure that there is a logic flow.

Choose the right tools

Choose the correct platforms and tools for making your videos. There are various popular options like Adobe Captivate, Storyly, Vidyard, and H5P. Choose a tool that would support the interactive features you want to incorporate, like branching scenarios and clickable areas. Check if it can collect the required data you need to know your users better.

Content development

Make high-quality content that is going to resonate with the audience. Keep it short and crisp. Ensure appealing visuals support the interactive elements. Use professional video and audio production techniques to give it a polished look.

Include interactive elements

Embed free interactive features like decision points, quizzes, and clickable areas thoughtfully. Make sure that the elements you put in enhance the user experience and align with the objective of the video. Keep it intuitive and simple so it does not overwhelm the users.

Testing and feedback

Check the video thoroughly for any issues, and fix those quickly.  Collect feedback from a small group of customers to make sure that they are enjoying the interactive elements that you are putting in the videos. Use these reviews and make changes if possible.

Data integration and analysis

Use different data collection tools and gather views and insights. Use this data to understand user behavior, engagement levels, and preferences. With these insights, you can improve any future interaction videos and optimize the content strategies.

Promotion and distribution

Prompt the videos through different channels like email marketing, social media, and website. The video should be accessible through different platforms and multiple devices. You can use targeted campaigns to reach out to your target audience.

Continuous improvement

Always monitor how the interactive video is performing, and always try to improve areas where possible. Keep up with technology and the latest trends to improve your future videos. Always update the content to keep it relevant and fresh.

How Do Interactive Videos Attract Customers?

How Do Interactive Videos Attract Customers?

As a moving image, interactive videos will grab more of a viewer’s attention than just plain text or still photographs of a product. They then go a step further by keeping the attention of the viewer until a sale is made.

A viewer who enjoys the buying experience will come back for more. So, you might say that a customer’s attention is kept for longer than just for the first time they make that buying choice while watching an interactive video.

How Do Interactive Videos Sell Products?

Interactive videos work from a selling point of view because they compel and captivate their audiences. They draw them into buying the products they are still deciding about. With an interactive video, a business can engage its audience for longer.

Long enough to inform them of all the best features of a product. It is a more convincing selling technique than just blocks of text about a product or strategically taken photographs.

An interactive video will make an advertising campaign memorable, and so talked about with many people beyond its initial viewer. This will ultimately sell more products.

The Final Thoughts

You notice a business with interactive videos because they allow you to become part of the buying experience. They can become the director of their viewing experience.

The viewers can be more entertained by what they are watching because they are only watching the parts of the video that they want to.

By creating a memorable experience, the viewer will want to come back for more and revisit the same website repeatedly so they can look for the next interactive video to make their buying experience more enjoyable.

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Tags business promotion video interactive video promotional video
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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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