Twitter Settings

Step By Step Guide To Customize Your Twitter Settings For New Account



We all want a Twitterverse that shows your personality. This is especially important as you have a business account where you are selling yourself out. Well, how do you optimize your Twitter settings?

So now that we’ve established how to make this space all yours let’s dive into customization. Why should you think of Twitter settings as some secret potion that makes the difference between ‘okay’ and ‘awesome!’ Because it’s like tailoring your favorite outfit Profile Setup – and it feels comfortable because – the dress is yours!

So, whether you stumbled across us to get into the news cycle/meme game or to connect with your buddies, we are about to go on a journey together toward turning your Twitter world truly yours. Here comes the ultimate guide!

Twitter Settings to Change 

Twitter Settings to Change

When looking at your X, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

What would you like your profile to read?

Do you want to post?

What security measures are you planning to bring? Etc!

1. Profile Changes 

Profile Changes

Your profile is your identity on Twitter; without this, you are a faceless entity. So, let’s begin with changing your X profile settings.

Profile Picture and Header Image: 

  • Choose the icon of your profile photo.
  • Click on “Profile,” and then click on “Edit profile.”
  • Choose a clear and friendly profile picture.
  • Put a banner image that stands for your style or whatever you like the most.

Crafting a Compelling Bio: 

  • Navigate to “Edit profile” again.
  • Brief and interesting bio in the space provided.
  • Tell us about your interests, passions, or something cool.
  • Break it into simple and memorable forms for the first impression.

2. Notification Preferences 

Notification Preferences

Twitter X notifications can be a nuisance sometimes. Therefore, while you are fixing your Twitter settings, pay attention to them as well.

Accessing Notification Settings:

  • Tap your profile picture.
  • Go to “Settings and privacy.”
  • Select “Notifications.”

Effective Notification Management:

  • You can also configure settings on the mentions, retweets, and likes.
  • Plus, turn on push notifications for last-minute reminders.
  • Any of the notification types can be tailored to suit you.

3. Content Preferences 

Content Preferences

For any social media platform, content is everything! So, here is how you can make your content better.

Language Filters and Sensitive Content Controls:

  • Navigate to “Settings and privacy.”
  • Go to “Privacy and safety.”
  • Tune your language filters to determine what content you should see.
  • Switch on the sensitive content filter in order to see a customized timeline.

Muting and Blocking Accounts:

  • Select the three dots from a tweet or profile.
  • To stop seeing the tweets, a user should select “Mute.”
  • Click on “Block” to stop a person from contacting you.
  • Protect your timeline by building connections.

4. Accessibility Settings 

Accessibility Settings

Ensure that through your X, you are reaching out to everyone.

Significance of Accessibility: 

  • Making Twitter more inclusive. Since it is for everyone.
  • Accessibility settings make it possible for anyone with capability challenges to use and embrace content.

Activating Accessibility Features:

  • Head to “Settings and privacy.”
  • Tap on “Accessibility.”
  • Support language for all users, such as image descriptions to tweets and media.

5. Privacy and Security Settings 

Privacy and Security Settings

Social media is your personal space in the digital verse. But, it is crucial to protect your privacy in that world.

Adjusting Privacy Settings: 

  • Visit “Settings and privacy.”
  • Go to “Privacy and safety.”
  • Adjust settings for tweets; make your account private or public.
  • Tweak visibility and interaction settings on your followers.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication: 

  • Secondly, go to “Settings and privacy” once more.
  • Choose “Account” and then “Security.”
  • Enable Two-Step Verification for additional account security.
  • To link your account with a second verification means you should follow the steps.

6. Tweeting Preferences 

Tweeting Preferences

Since Twitter is big on safe tweets, whatever you put can affect your popularity. Not just with your followers.

Character Count and Media Previews: 

  • Keep in mind Twitter is all about being brief, so watch your character count!
  • Change media previews to manipulate pictures and play videos within tweets.

Controlling Replies: 

  • Locate the Audience icon while composing a tweet.
  • People who can reply – everyone, people you follow, or only people you mention.
  • Customize your tweets at the level of interactivity you want.

Improving Your X Account to be More Attracting 

Certainly, one takes this as a goal, making the profile attractive while changing the general Twitter settings.

So, here is how you are going to do it!

Captivating Profile

Captivating Profile
  • Select an exciting profile and header picture from your personality or brand.
  • Write a short, interesting introduction that will make people curious about you and your work.

Consistent Branding

  • Ensure that the tweets, profiles, and media flow with a theme/color to make your timeline visually appealing.

Engaging Content

Engaging Content
  • Tweet a combination of content – tweets, retweets, pictures, and videos – to add variety and interest to your feed.
  • Post the personal stories, backstage look-ins, and what connects with your online community.

Interactive Tweets

  • Craft tweets that encourage responses. Engage by asking questions, running polls, or seeking opinions.
  • Reply to comments and mentions immediately so that your audience feels homely.

Hashtags and Trends

  • Use popular and trending hashtags tagged with your tweets.
  • Engage in discussions on trending topics to reach out to a bigger community.

Media Richness

Put in some beautiful images and videos that will make your tweets conspicuous even on cluttered timelines.

Tweet Consistency

  • Keep your followers always waiting for the next post by posting on a consistent schedule.
  • Try out different posting times to see when your audience may be most available.

Retweet and Collaborate

  • Forward things from others that relate to your brand or interests.
  • First, expand your network by working with others on projects or discussions on Twitter.

Do You Want To Get Twitter X Verified?

When you think about Twitter settings, is your long-term goal a blue tick mark?

When you are Twitter verified, a blue badge is added next to your profile. While Twitter doesn’t open verification to everyone, you can increase your chances by optimizing your account –

  • Have a Clear Profile Picture and Header Image with an Informative Bio.
  • Consistency of brand imagery across platforms. Use a similar profile picture and handle to improve identification.
  • Tweet professionally and regularly. Twitter has habitually verified accounts that are active and comply with community standards.
  • Ensure that you give genuine details in your profile. These include a current phone number, email address, and professional website.
  • Position yourself as an industry expert. The more you can show measurable Contributions, the better.
  • Ensure your account is in the public eye. It may include your vocation, accomplished feat, or the things you post.

Have you ever wanted to be Twitter verified? What are the Twitter settings you are planning to change? Did we miss something? Please let us know in the comment section below!

Tags how to change twitter privacy settings privacy and safety settings twitter twitter content settings twitter search settings twitter timeline settings
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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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