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Subhasree Nag, 22 hours ago
SD cards are a good way to store data and even perform data transfer to other devices. However, like other storage devices, SD cards also face several challenges. SD cards not showing up on Windows is just one problem you may experience with them.
This should however not worry you as some of these issues with SD cards can be fixed with simple tricks. In this article, we will show you how to solve this problem including SD card data recovery on Windows.
Many people experiencing a similar problem with SD cards have also lost data before. That is why you may need to move quickly to try some of the fixes we have suggested below. Remember, you can recover files from an SD card even if the card is not showing up. This will be very fast and easy with the Disk Drill developed by Cleverfiles. Read on to find out more.
Well, you always need a good connection between the SD and the computer through the USB port to be able to read and write data on the card. If the connection is poor or loose for whatever reason, the SD card may fail to show up completely on the Windows computer.
Before you can blame the SD card for not working, try removing it and fixing it to a different USB port. Of course, your Windows PC comes with two or more USB ports. Try connecting the drive to all the different USB ports and check if it shows up on any of them.
If the card shows up on another USB port and does not show up on another, then the ports have an issue and not the SD card. You can continue using the SD card on the port that works and repair the other faulty ports later.
You may have tried all the fixes in method 1 but still won’t get the issue resolved. If on trying to change the ports, the card still not showing up, then it could be the right time to try a different computer.
This will help you know if the SD card is the problem or not. If it works well on different computers, then the first PC had driver issues and all the USB ports in it are not working. However, if the SD card remains unrecognized even on a different computer, then it could be having a major issue.
You can also do this test using a different card reader. If you notice that the card does not show up either way, then you need to fix the SD card and recover your data.
Dirty SD cards may be read if they can’t be read by the computer. This is because dirt and dust block the connection between the card and the USB port. Cleaning the dirt and dust will quickly resolve this issue, and you will be able to use this card again.
Also, you can fix a corrupted SD card by cleaning it with a powerful disk cleaner. A driller of high quality like the Disk Drill, which is manufactured by Cleverafiles seep deeper into the components of disks and thereafter pinpoint and fix the errors. It helps the disk card work again.
If clean SD cards are the cause of the SD card not showing up on Windows, then you can go for cleaning the card so that the problem is eliminated. However, if the issues persist then you must try out these four steps discussed below:
Generally, the SD card only shows up if the driver’s letter assigned to it is correct. If you still get an error message to put the disk into a removable disk even if the SD card has a letter, then the card might be illegible.
To fix the driver letter that is issued with the assignment if the SD card is a driver letter, adhere to the following steps right below:
Step 1: Move on to the Disk Management which is on the right click on the start button.
Step 2: Pinpoint your SD card. Then with the right-click on it, choose the “Change Drive Letter and paths” option.
Step 3: Hit the “Change” button and thereafter opt for the drive letter from the list.
Step 4: Hit the “OK” button to complete the process.
If instead, the SD card was missing a driver letter, then hit the “Add” button to add.
Is your SD card still not showing up on Windows? Then there are high chance it has been attacked by a virus. Such attacks and encryption by malware can veneer the SD card and cause it not to show up on Mac or Windows. Follow the steps below to clean the virus.
Step 1: Plug the SD card into your personal computer.
Step 2: Open the start menu and thereafter type cmd. Hit enter.
Step 3: Tap on cmd.Exe under the programs list.
Step 4: Right-click on cmd.Exe.
If you want to recover SD card files after cleaning the virus, type “attrib-h-r-s/s/d x:\** to recover the files.
This should be the last thing to do if your SD card won’t show up on Windows. Remember, formatting an SD card will wipe the disk storage and you will lose data.
If you have tried all the methods above and still can’t see your SD card when connected to Windows, then proceed with this method if it is safe to do so. Follow the steps below:
Step 1: Press Windows + D to open the Desktop view.
Step 2: Press Windows + E to open “Computer.”
Step 3: “Devices with removable storage” will be shown on your SD card.
Step 4: Right-click and select “Format” to format the card.
Remember, only use this method as a last resort if you are sure the data in the card has been backed up. Otherwise, try an alternative solution such as resolving the SD Card not showing up on Windows using software.
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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.