Social Media manager

Social Media Manager Trend 2021: The Present is Mobile

published on: 06.12.2018 last updated on: 10.06.2021

The password for social media managers, this year is “change”.

Social networks change, the users’ approach changes, the social strategy of companies must change.

Just to keep up with the times.

Being able to have visibility on social media is today incredibly more difficult and why it is soon said: organic reach is in constant decline, other than the golden years of Facebook when it was enough to post to position well. It was the years 2009-2011, the visibility of the brand was not yet a problem.

Today, yes. Unfortunately. How to do?

The double challenge of today’s SMM: guaranteeing visibility and combining the social strategy with the company objectives


This, in a nutshell, is the challenge that social media managers must collect in 2018. “The decline in organic reach is one of the main problems of recent months”, explains in an interesting webinar on the topic, Alexia Gattolin, content social marketing coordinator at Hootsuite.

All those who saw a place of free visibility on social networks are still disappointed. No more users reached without spending a penny, therefore, without advertising investments (planned, which is better).

The contents rewarded with visibility, most likely, will be those in which the end-user interacts more. So concretely, to combat the decline in organic reach we can guarantee:

  • Quality instead of quantity: that is, writing what really brings benefits to the reference audience and not writing so much to make a number
  • The constant advertising budget for the promotion (and consequently the visibility) of the contents

In addition to ensuring visibility, the second challenge to be met in 2018 in social media management is: to relate social analytics metrics to corporate objectives.

Today there is certainly the awareness of having to measure and analyze data coming from social media. But sometimes companies lack the know-how and tools to carry them out. What can you do about it?

  • Do not measure everything: analyze only the metrics related to company objectives (for example, brand awareness)
  • Use UTM codes (ie track the origin of traffic and conversions)
  • Map customer experience metrics (for business users, of course)

Today on social media: the engagement decreases, the passive audience increases. And the furniture wins over everything

Today, the social networks are presented as follows: with a general fall in engagement and with an increasingly passive audience.

But what exactly do these trends mean? It means that from the analysis data available, much of the time spent on mobile is dedicated to social media.

Grossly speaking, every 3 minutes spent connected to a smartphone or tablet, 1 minute is dedicated to social media. To do what is said early: “passive” users increase.

We do not use social networks just to post their moods, but to pass the time (39%), to access the news (39%), and for entertainment and leisure (60%, Hootsuite data).

In short, we produce less and less content. In addition, social networks are starting to compete with search engines and be a threat to them.

It is an increasing trend, given the fact that an increasing number of consumers incorporate social networks in the process of purchasing a product.

The search on social media, as if they were a traditional search engine and in the very young (16-24 years), the search for a product on social networks has surpassed the search for the same via the traditional search engine.

The data from the Global Web Index are relevant: in 2017, 28% of global users used social networks to search for online products.

The data in question are published in the annual report “Trends of social media in 2018″. Therefore, brands must necessarily redefine their social presence strategy in order to be visible and competitive.

The role of social media grows in the search for online products

The Marco trend of social media in 2021: TV, the recovery of BOTs, and declining confidence

The macro trends of social media in 2021 are basically three and certainly did not come out of the blue with January 1 this year. Many of them had warnings already in the months, sometimes in the last two years.

  • Mobile and social TV. We spend more and more time on mobile devices and more and more time looking for video content. So social media started to offer video content to create new forms of entertainment and information. Where are we going? Towards the publication of television-style video content on social media, thanks to the increasingly available and less expensive WiFi. This for companies translates into the possibility of:
  • Extend the content of the TV to the public of the furniture
  • Launch products via live video, also using the correct KW for indexing on Google
  • Create partnerships with micro-influencers, with a small but strategic and targeted follower base, able to involve users. This is particularly useful for those businesses that cannot create their own mobile TV channel

The recovery of the BOTs. Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly proving a valuable ally of humans to serve the customer. Thanks to the use of BOT on social media it is already possible (and it will be more and more, always better) to have:

  • Custom content based on the user
  • Automatic answers to frequently asked questions
  • Insight faster with predictive statistics based incident

The decline of trust. That is not the title of a film, but the last macro trend that is observed for this 2021 on social media and mentioned in the Gattolin in the aforementioned webinar, at the beginning of 2021 there is a general erosion of public trust in the whole system (media, institutions, NGOs, business) where the negative record belongs to the media sector.

On the other hand, and in response to this decline, confidence in real user communities increases. Where real users are meant: macro influencer, corporate employees rather than top management, and – useful to underline – even people like us. The current trend is this: on social media, above all, users “like us” have the same (perceived) credibility as experts.

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Ariana Smith is a Marketing Manager at iDream Agency. She is passionate about Social Media and co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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