What Are The Key Benefits Of Using The Google Display Network (Choose 2)

Exploring Key Benefits Of Using The Google Display Network

published on: 01.09.2021 last updated on: 14.10.2024

Looking for the key benefits of Google Display Network? The two main answers are Sophisticated reporting to measure performance and Massive reach; you can advertise on any website.

Google Display Network (GDN) is a perfect choice if you are an E-commerce business owner or digital marketer. The extent of reach you will get from it is simply unimaginable.

If you have recently started the business and you are struggling to increase your brand visibility, then you can trust Google Display Network blindly. Moreover, the entire work process and performance management get smoother and better with the exclusive tools that GDN provides.

About Google Display Network (GDN)

About Google Display Network (GDN)

Before diving into the key benefits of using the Google display network, let us understand GDN well.

You must have heard about GDN but are not so sure about its functions, right? Well, Google Display Network is a unique platform of Google where your ad could appear amidst more than 2 million websites, apps, and videos. The best thing about GDN is that the sites here enjoy a maximum reach of up to 90% of users globally.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the biggest advantages of the Google Display Network, and users enjoy it to the fullest. GDN could assist you in reaching a massive audience in a short time span. Hence, it has found its place on the favorites list of new digital business owners.

Are you looking for how to reach an audience of specific age groups for your services or product or audience from a particular location? The solution to all these is one – Google Display Network.

Key Benefits Of Using The Google Display Network

What Are The Key Benefits Of Using The Google Display Network As A Whole

So, what really are the benefits of using Google Display Network? Let’s move on to analyze the two main merits of the Google Display network further:

1. Sophisticated Reporting To Measure Performance

The performance measurement of your ad or campaign is incredible with Google Display Network. With its inclusive tools, you can evaluate the audiences’ demographics, analyze conversion/clicks/impressions, check where your ads are appearing, etc.

2. Massive Reach: You Can Advertise On Any Website

The 2nd best thing about using GDN for your online business is you will get significant exposure and visibility. Targeting audiences also becomes easier with some splendid targeting options.

Was accessing millions of websites your dream? Well, it won’t be anymore. Because of the accessibility to various devices and sites, it is possible to post ads on any website with the help of a Display Network.

Other Benefits of Google Display Network

If you speak about Google Display Network’s benefits overall, there are many. Although the two we discussed above are the crucial ones, it is time to focus on the associated advantages of using Google Display Networks:

Manage The Campaigns:

Kickstart your online business journey with GDN’s campaign setup process. You can engage your audience through multiple ads and through intense personalization.

Moreover, its incredible methodologies of assessing campaign performances help you devise improvement strategies in the most uncomplicated way.

Control The Costs:

GDN is the one and only choice for advertising and leveraging brand awareness with a low budget. It charges much lower than the industry standards. For example, GDN gets multiple clicks for $0.05 per click for the real estate sector. Can you imagine how cheap this is!

Target Ads:

With many targeting options, you can target particular audiences based on several factors. Age, buying behavior, tastes and preferences, gender, recent searches, etc., are some controlling factors for targeting Ads on GDN.

On GDN, you are always welcome to continuously explore and find your best choice through ad groups and targets.

Strategic Planning With Google Display Network

The ad creatives are the soul of the PPC strategy. The Google Display Network has a responsive display ad section, which allows Google AI to work its charm and optimize and combine headlines, descriptions, and images to get the maximum impact.

With the help of engaging and appealing creatives, you will have the attention of the audience and make a long-lasting impression. Moreover, the display shows you which headlines and assets are performing the best and which are not performing at all.

This way, you will know which copy and creative theme resonates with the user. Your audience would stay engaged if you kept changing the copy and the creative. However, if you fail, this can decrease efficiency and engagement.

They might be bored looking at the same ads, which can lead to reduced interest and banner blindness. Moreover, this can lower the conversions, click-through rates, and overall campaign performance.

Frequently Asked Questions :

Google Display Network can help you a lot with your media strategy. However, several questions arise while discussing the topics. Here are some of them mentioned.

Q1. What Sites Are There On Google Display Network?

There are a large number of sites on Google Display Network, approximately 2 million. However, the most popular ones are Gmail, YouTube, Finance, and Blogger.

Q2.  How do I join Google Display Network?

First, sign in to your Google Ads Account and hit “Campaigns.” Then tap on the “new campaigns,” and select the campaign type as “Display Network Only,”

Q3. Is Facebook Part Of The Google Display Network?

Not at all! Facebook is a social network, whereas GDN is a part of the Google search engine. Advertising on both has significant differences in processes and capabilities.

Q4. How Much Are Google Display Ads?

The Google Ads’ average cost per click on Google Display Network is often less than $1.

The Bottom Line

I hope the answer to the key benefits of using the Google display network has satisfied your curious mind. So, without any more ado, boost your business visibility today with Google Display Network and analyze the ad performance like a Pro. I am sure you will be able to achieve all the marketing goals smoothly.

Was this article able to answer your query desirably? Leave your viewpoints or queries in the comment section below. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at BloggerOutreach.io.

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