Conversion Rates

10 Proven Strategies To Boost Conversion Rates In Your E-Commerce Store



Are you familiar with or have you ever joined affiliate marketing programs? If yes, an e-commerce online shop is an excellent place for selling goods and earning a commission from the merchant. However, as an e-commerce store owner, you may have to deal with low conversion rates.

After reading our article, you will raise website conversions with successful e-commerce strategies. Let’s jump right in, starting with the conversion rate definition.

What Is a Conversion Rate?

The notion of conversion rate (CR) is simple. The percentage of visitors who bought your product or service or performed another action in your e-commerce store among all visitors for a particular period is a conversion rate. 

Conversion rate assessment is an obligatory practice for e-commerce businesses.

E-Commerce Strategies on How To Improve Conversion Rates

While affiliate marketing is known as a source of a high passive income, marketers count every dollar, especially when dealing with ad campaigns. The best way to boost your e-commerce conversion rates is to use simple and money-saving tactics. It is also applicable if you want to improve affiliate marketing lead generation

Read further to learn fundamental conversion rate optimization strategies to enhance your service and boost your e-commerce store’s conversion rate. 

1. Optimize Your Website & Fine-Tune User Experience (UX)

An automated e-commerce store is a place for shopping, not for distractions. There is a bucket list of what you must do for convenient customer shopping:

Boost website speedLoading page speed could deter users. If your website loads sluggishly, they will visit another website that loads better. To handle this issue, consider compressing image files and leveraging caching to speed up your website. 
Improve e-commerce shop designUse background, colors, and fonts that are easy to conceive. Unnatural color combinations can take buyers away from your site.
Gather consumers’ feedbackYou need to know your target audience to provide exceptional products and services that differ from your competitors. Collect their feedback to improve your services and optimize your website if needed.
Optimize your web pages for mobilePurchases of gadgets are increasing every year. Therefore, consider checking out if it’s comfortable to surf your online store and shop using a mobile device.
Ease website navigationEnsure users can easily find your product. Shorten website forms by removing redundant fields. Make your shop’s UX better by avoiding distracting designs. Explain your complicated product’s features with videos.

2. Improve Your Product Descriptions

Product detail pages (PDP) aim to sell your goods. So, don’t neglect enhancing them. Here are some ways to make your product descriptions stand out:

  • Use a well-structured text. Keep your copy short and easy to comprehend. For instance, you can format lists with input features, size guides, and benefits of your products.
  • Place clear and high-quality photos. Assist a customer in the purchase. Use great-quality pictures with at least three angles of your product. 
  • Educate your customers. If you need to explain how your product works, embed videos on your website. Give extra instructions to follow for a better UX.
  • Put a compelling and clear call-to-action (CTA). Using such CTAs as “Add to cart,” “Buy now,” and “Sign up” is the best practice. Use the required button size, bright colors, and fonts in the right combination to ensure your CTA stands out.

3. Define a Brand Identity

It’s easy to get lost among other online stores. So, make sure yours is not generic and stands out. Set your company’s design, logo, fonts, colors, and tone of voice to differ from the competition. 

The other layer of your brand is your story. Every brand has a unique story to tell customers why they launched this business and how they can help them. Storytelling will help you to distinguish yourself from other online shops. Moreover, your website visitors will likely connect with you as a human being, not just an ordinary seller. 

Brand creation and management is a complex topic covered by multiple books. What you need to do is learn the basic principles to stand out in the market.

4. Use Social Proof for Your Benefit

Excellent reviews and testimonials are the tools you can use to leverage social proof. Customers notice that your product and services are popular when they see reels of 5-star reviews. They consider you as a legitimate business with high-quality products. As a result, you guarantee yourself an increase in your sales.

Unleashing the Power of Social Proof in E-commerce: Successful Strategies

Broad reviews that show consumers’ experience with the product benefit your business. Incentivize your customers to leave such testimonials, especially if they are satisfied with your service. Then, new buyers can also learn product features from testimonials and reviews left by your customers. 

5. Provide Appealing Offers & Discounts

If you want rapid growth for your e-commerce store, increase the average order value (AOV) at your shop. Bundling one of your products with another product or service is one of the typical ways of doing that. The most popular e-commerce pricing strategies are up-sells, cross-sells, and bundles.

Up-sells are the products with a higher ticket price to something more desirable but expensive. You can add extra features and provide additional benefits with a higher price tag.

Cross-sells are accessories that perfectly fit the main product you sell. For instance, you can offer a power bank when a customer buys a smartphone. Bundles could be any combination of products and services beneficial for consumers and you. 

Increase your AOV with a compelling offer. Here are some tips on such e-commerce conversion rate optimization:

  • Provide free shipping. For instance, when a customer’s purchases reach a specific amount., e.g., $500, the buyer is eligible for a free shipping bonus. 
  • Use time-constraint offers. Time scarcity is a trigger that compels a customer to take immediate action, like reviewing a limited-time offer and purchasing a product. It could be anything from cakes to webinars. 
  • Organize campaigns for special occasions. Holidays, company anniversaries, or prominent events are legitimate excuses for particular offers and discounts. Seasonable discounts are also an essential part of marketing campaigns throughout the year. 

6. Offer Multiple Payment Methods

Provide applicable payment solutions for customers in your region. Many payment providers and multi-currency payment solutions are at your service. Make a buyer’s payment process as simple as possible. 

Set the ability to pay for expensive products in several installments. Providing split purchase options such as Klarna or Apple Pay Later may help you. 

7. Be Supportive With FAQs & Live Chats

Customers may have many questions about your product, its features, payment processing, product guarantees, return policies, shipping process, etc. The FAQ section is a must. Enlist every possible question in this section and give detailed answers. Make sure you answer diligently to satisfy your customers completely and ensure your e-commerce store’s success.

Another solution for a quick buyer question is a live chatbot. Develop your chatbot to answer only those questions that relate to your company and your products and services. 

You may have products that require a lengthy installation process or constant service. Create detailed support documentation and instructions for such complicated products for the favor of your customers.

8. Enhance Shopping Cart & Checkout Processes

Visitors put favorable products into a shopping cart. But is it enough for a sale? Unfortunately, not. Shopping cart abandonment is typical for e-commerce businesses.

How do we deal with that? Here are some hints to improve conversion rates:

  • Constantly display the shopping cart on the user’s screen. Make the design stand out for customers to find and start the checkout process. 
  • Inform your customers about extra fees before the checkout section. If you put additional payment (e.g., shipping rate) info in this section without mentioning it before, it may cause confusion, dissatisfaction, and low conversion rates. The typical consequence is cart abandonment. Let your customers know your pricing and inform them about other policies before the checkout process.
  • Make concise checkout forms. That’s another hurdle for shoppers. Leave the essential fields they need to fill out. If you know that customers must go through a lengthy checkout process, add the progress indicators to set expectations. 
  • Ask site visitors to create an account after placing an order. Customer accounts are a valuable source of future sales and effective communication with them. However, shoppers are reluctant to opt-in right away. Suggest doing that after making an order. 
  • Send cart abandonment emails or use exit-intent pop-ups. Site visitors often leave without checking out. Send a reminder to stay top of mind. The reminder can feature their order and motivate them to complete a purchase. Another tactic to boost your e-commerce conversion rates is showing a pop-up message when a customer leaves without completing the purchase.

Related: Boost Your Conversion Rate With These 4 Strategies

9. Use Retargeting & Remarketing

From the first look, retargeting and remarketing are doing the same thing. However, there is a slight difference in tactics. The answer is below. 

Remarketing relates to engaging with existing customers via email marketing and even paid ads. You could inform your customers about up-sells, cross-sells, campaigns, etc. 

Retargeting directs visitors to make a purchase. You could remind them about similar products or your brand through ads on different platforms.

Users’ cookies enable your marketing efforts, tailoring your ad copy for site visitors who accept those cookies.

Use such remarketing e-commerce strategies to improve conversion rates and enhance your customer service and engagement:

  • Send follow-up emails after the sale. The customer will gladly accept the words of gratitude and good wishes. Remind them about your brand and inform them about the most relevant offerings based on their buyer behavior.
  • Inform subscribers about special offers and discounts. A proper email sequence with emails that offer up-sells, cross-sells, and special occasion discounts is excellent for e-commerce conversion rate optimization. Sending them at the right time can help your email conversion rates increase. 
  • Prepare consumers for product usage. Send setup and usage instructions to owners of intricate multi-featured products via email.
  • Remind customers about the end of their product lifespan. Sending a replenishment reminder is an excellent practice to build feedback loops, increase e-commerce conversion rates, and reduce the chances that customers won’t buy again.

Before using any remarketing tactic, ensure you’ve received permission from customers to send them reminders and emails. Let them choose a convenient way they want to communicate with you.

Retargeting tactics that could increase your e-commerce conversion rates include: 

  • Embed exit-intent pop-ups on your website. When customers try to leave your site without making a purchase, show the noticeable menu reminding them to finish the checkout process.
  • Place retargeted ads. Entice customers to return to your e-commerce online store with follow-up ad copy on other platforms. It applies to those users who have forgotten to make a purchase.

Exploit remarketing and retargeting conversion strategies through mediums that your target audience uses. 

You can also learn more about outbound and inbound marketing for a deeper understanding of e-commerce marketing strategies.

10. Analyze Data & Test Your Strategies

Collect customer data continuously. Permanent analysis of marketing activities assists you in making relevant decisions and increases your conversion rate.

Segment your customers and offer each one the products they want. 

Conduct A/B testing to determine if the slightest tweak raises e-commerce conversion rates. Change only one thing at a time, e.g., CTA, button design, font. Altering even two elements at once makes this analysis useless. You can’t tell what has given you the change in sales numbers: one item or another.

Improve and update your content constantly to satisfy your customers and increase conversion rates.

The Secret to Boosting E-Commerce Conversion Rates

To raise the conversion rates of your e-commerce store, you need to do your homework. Motivate your team to work on the betterment of customer service and support. The right people in your group are the basis of any efforts, so pay attention to them. Be mindful of your customers, too. 

Leave an actionable reminder for your team. The applicable checklist of e-commerce business strategies that boost conversion rates in your e-commerce store: 

  1. Streamline your website and improve UX
  2. Enhance your product descriptions
  3. Establish your brand
  4. Benefit from social proof
  5. Suggest attractive offers and discounts
  6. Provide multiple payment methods
  7. Support with FAQs and live chats
  8. Improve shopping cart and checkout processes
  9. Use retargeting and remarketing
  10. Analyze marketing data to test strategies

Increase your e-commerce conversion rates and satisfy customers by implementing such efficient techniques.

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With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing her profound thoughts and opinions on social media, lifestyle, beauty, and social business.

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