Guest Blogging Guide

Effective Guest Blogging Guide For 2021 And Beyond



Guest posting strategies undergo major changes in the past ten years. However, not all bloggers know the constantly moving trends that emerged during the past decade. Most of them are not aware of the possible elements that will affect the success or failure of the guest post that they will do today.

As the New Year begins, you must learn more about how search engines work in 2021 and beyond. You must also learn more about the acceptable content quality for guest posting in the present time. It will allow you to come up with the right content to make your guest posting efforts more worthwhile.

Old-School Guest Posting Is No Longer Acceptable

In the past, bloggers choose guest posting to help their site rank on Google. It was also used to build a good online reputation and to get backlinks to their site. The process of submitting guest posts in the past was also very simple. But today, ranking on search engine sites became more difficult because of the steeper competition. Google also rolled out stricter updates to ensure that only quality websites will remain on top of the ranks.

Reputation building and personal brand improvements using content writing are only useful if you will exert more effort. It would be best if you learn how to build links properly based on Google’s requirements.

Nowadays, blog hosts will no longer accept guest posting requests that ask for a follow backlink for quality content, especially if the editors of the sites know the latest SEO practices. If you encounter blog editors who have no idea about the latest Google updates and allowed you to have a follow link at risk of getting penalized.

Guest Blogs Written To Build A Brand Goes Through Major Changes 

One of the major reasons why bloggers choose guest posting is to increase their brand awareness. But if you will not go through a guest blog marketplace like, it could be easy to do the task properly.

If you aim to get published in a highly reputable blog with a large following, you need to avoid doing the following:

  • Citing your brand’s name, product, and service in the post – It will make your content look self-promotional. It may also leave an impression to the blog host, the readers, and Google that you only wrote the content for your agenda and not for your target audience. You may use the bio portion of your post to talk about your brand for this purpose.
  • Adding links to your website that are irrelevant to the content – Google could flag unnatural links, so make sure you will not use your guest posting opportunities as a link building strategy.
  • Boasting about your services – Bragging about what your brand can do on your guest post content may turn off your target readers. They will feel that the post was created for your advantage and not to provide more valuable information for them. So never write anything that aims to talk about your accomplishments. If there is something noteworthy about your brand, you should let the blog host talk about it on their website or social media accounts.

What To Do After Having Your Guest Post Approved And Published

The publisher normally promotes your guest post to make the readers aware of the new content. But you also need to exert more efforts to keep the engagement on the post flowing. It is necessary to respond to comments, especially if the readers have valid questions that you must address. You should also keep track of your post on social media platforms and promote it on your social channels.

By doing all these strategies, writing guest posts in 2021 and beyond could still be one of the most effective strategies to grow your blog site. It will also let you maximize your hard work in proposing, creating, and guest blogs all the time.

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Tags Brand guest post search engines
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Ariana Smith is a Marketing Manager at iDream Agency. She is passionate about Social Media and co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

One response to “Effective Guest Blogging Guide For 2021 And Beyond”

  1. Your posts are always so relevant and well-timed It’s like you have a sixth sense for what your readers need to hear

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