Pinterest Strategy

Top 10 Steps to Craft the Perfect Pinterest Strategy

published on: 30.05.2019 last updated on: 14.10.2024

Pinterest is a new and emerging social media platform which is establishing itself as a respectable and intelligent medium for sharing ideas and images that people are zealous about. The concept of Pinterest strategy can be found in the name of the site. Your profile acts like a pinboard, where you can gather, arrange and display items for your followers and friends to see. Pinterest is also about sharing your unique interests, not just your latest products and services.

In these tough economic times, enterprises experience an increase in competition for its clients and finding out that traditional marketing methods are no longer working. Many small businesses are struggling to sell their products and services for the value they deserve to cover the cost of their skills and efforts.

Customers nowadays are turning onto the online platforms to buy and research products, more information in bite-sized chunks via photos, videos and infographics, and businesses that are embracing the online world for their markets that are well placed in capturing the attention of its shoppers. But with the emergence of Pinterest strategy, the new social media platform it is one of the best places to start marketing your businesses online.

In case you are looking for new marketing opportunities, you need to put Pinterest into consideration. This social media platform is addictive and fast-growing. It focuses on images making it the best platform for advertising. The sites easy to use and hence it will not take you long to learn how it works, and on how you can best use it for your business. If you have not done so already, think of adding Pinterest widgets and buttons to your website to allow your clients to “pin” your images. Get acquainted with this platform and use it as part of your marketing strategy.


The exciting new social media platform Pinterest brings together these ‘visual’ and ‘online shopping’ trends and has been proving very successful for creative businesses who know how to use it.

 How a small business can find targeted leads, customers and sales using Pinterest strategy:

The uses of social media for businesses can be a bit time consuming, but when you incorporate the Pinterest strategy in your marketing coupled with a few tips and tools then getting a good return on time invested is much possible. This can be achieved since;

  • Service businesses can show ‘behind the scenes’ videos, and use Pinterest boards to collate relevant details from around the web which would interest their target audience. It is possible to quickly become the ‘go-to’ person for information about your industry.
  • Pinterest enables you to set up an account with striking visual images collected on ‘pinboards’ – the online equivalent of a corkboard. These boards are perfect for showing your products in their best light, like an online catalog.
  • As with other social media platforms pure self-promotion is frowned upon, but Pinterest is becoming very business-friendly and it is totally acceptable to pin your own offerings amongst general industry information and content from other relevant but non-competing businesses
  • It is best to give your pinboards titles which reflect what your ideal customers will be searching for. Fill your ‘profile’ section with the benefits your customers will gain by dealing with you and add a good photograph or crisp logo, and of course a link to your website.

Things that make your Pinterest strategy unique:

Since internet marketing has become so vast that marketers need different strategies for marketing products through different online platform. A Pinterest strategy will not look like a Facebook strategy; therefore, it is important to determine what kinds of Internet marketing are most appropriate for your product. However, there are some general practices that should always be applied.

Use SEO:

The Pinterest strategy should include Search Engine Optimization. You can make an analysis of your target audiences and create lists of keywords that might be used in searching for similar products. If possible include SEO in your product description or any press releases you submit online. Implement SEO through developing a blog as a part of your product’s website. Your blog’s content determines the success of your SEO strategy. Chances are competitors are using the same words, so providing useful content for your target market is important

Find you’re Demographic:

When developing your new product Pinterest strategy, start by compiling a list of the kinds of people who will be most interested in your product. Be as specific as possible. It might be helpful to take your description of your target market and identify real people on social networks who represent your target customer.

Generate a Buzz:

You can achieve this by offering freebies. You could do this by asking people to retweet or share photos of your products for chances of winning one free. Promotional offers and freebies also help in brightening up your everyday press release to bloggers. Find a blog that has a niche that relates to your product and offer them free samples in exchange for writing a review of your product .in case there are industry influencers and celebrities that are fitting your target market, you can offer them freebies and in case they like your product then chances are that there shall be loads of online traffic to your website and social media accounts.

Pinterest is not just for lifestyle home chefs and bloggers. When you implement a Pinterest strategy for your businesses this increases brands and sales awareness. Research has it that about fifty percent of people make purchases after seeing a pin that is promoted and about sixty-seven percent say that they have made a discovery of new brands products from contents on the networks.

In the case, your ideal audiences are on Pinterest and you are looking to explore new channels for your brands, Pinterest may be your answer. This may not be as popular as Facebook but for sure it holds its own against the other networks.

Now that you are convinced on the need to have Pinterest, what’s next? It’s time to craft out a strategy that will help you increase your impact and income by selling more of your services and products, jumping on board making your Pinterest your brand confederate. Here are thus some steps that will help in crafting the perfect Pinterest strategy:

1. Pin images promoting your services:

Some of the small business owners think that Pinterest presence is not the ideal brand awareness building investment. But when you take the creative approach, then there is a lot of brand-boosting you can do for your business. You can pin photos of you with your clients, pictures taken at conferences, with mentors and/or joint venture partners. You can pin images are aligned with your brand message and use the comment box to inspire and magnetize your audience

2. Pinterest business accounts and profile updates:

If you need your Pinterest account to look on brand, this means that you need to start by turning it into a business account. This is an easy and free task as all you need is converting from a personal account by filling out the profile and connecting your other social accounts. Always ensure that your bio contains the keywords that are relevant for your brands. Ensure that it still reads your brands voices but with some useful SEO keywords so that Pinterest and users know what your businesses are all about.

Pinterest users

3. Be social on the site by commenting on the popular pins:

By following others and pinning them, they will see your activeness in their streams and notifications, and they will discover your boards and thus follow you back. Pinterest’s Whole category comprises of pins that are pinned more often and receives the highest number of comments. When you comment on pins under this category, more users will see your comments. Just like commenting on blogs, let your comments be specific and sincere. Say what you truly like about the pin and explain why. Be careful not to over-do the commenting; don’t comment-spam.

4. Share visual news about the causes you support:

Do not shy away from sharing the brand values you have by linking your brands with the cause you support by standing and living your truth for what you deem important, you will create the space for the ideal prospects to truly connect with both you and your brands. This will increase traffic thus increasing your sales and income.

5. Spice up your strategy:

Once you get your rhythm down, then you can start expanding your Pinterest strategy and incorporate other ideas like contests. Take your Pinterest boards into the wild with Pin codes. These codes can be generated from any board that you have an image that is customized. You can use these pin codes in your stores, on your printed marketing materials, and on the other social media networks. You can also incorporate videos into your Pinterest strategy and in case one is doing well, promoting it with Pinterest advertising is key.

pin codes

6. Pin infographics showcasing your expertise:

Pinterest is perfect for sharing tips and secrets, giving people the chance to get to know you, like you and trust you. Repurpose your qualifications by turning them into infographics – visually appealing masses of information, and adding an invitation to visit your blog for even more strategies and how-to advice.

7. Share the visuals of your products:

You can create a display of your product by dedicating a pinboard to your success store. You can add compel descriptions to each product image, and make sure you include the URLs of the sales letters making it really easy to access more info. If you have free gifts that are tastes of what you get with the products, mention that too in your page. The fact is that not everyone is ready to buy on the spot, but getting interested projections appealing with you and subscribing to your list is a significant first step to building interactions that lead to transformational sales.

8. Be active:

After optimizing your profile and website, you need to be an active member just like on other platforms. You should spare out some time to enable sourcing and checking on what is being actively pinned from your website. During the pinning, you can add some relevant hashtags and other descriptions into your pin as these can act like search references. Thus, it is necessary to track the hashtags and maintain publications on social.

relevant hashtags

9. Improve Results with Analytics:

Pinterest Analytics provides crucial information regarding the kind of content that has the best performance on your website. Therefore, you can improve and tweak your Pinterest for the best business results with time. You’ll be able to know how people think about your business and your products and spark new ideas for how to position your Pinterest efforts.

You will also see which Pins are most popular and which drive the most traffic to your site. It will help you to focus on the metrics that matter most to your particular business. More so, you will gather info about the interests and demographics of the individuals who interact with your Pins. It also provides valuable insight that will help you target your strategy to the right set of audience.

Pinterest Analytics

10. You can try using video promotions:

Pinterest recommends using video when your brand has a clear story to tell, such as a D-I-Y projector showing a unique way to use your product. Keep it short, hook your viewers within the first few seconds, and then optimize it to play with no sound. Besides, let your logo appear at the beginning or throughout the entirety of your video, so people know what they’re watching—and who it comes from.


Pinterest has become a powerful social network that shows no signs of slowing down. Businesses that are utilizing Pinterest strategy as a part of their social media strategy have seen a lot of benefits. The more your images are being liked, pinned and re-pinned, the more success you will see for your brand. It really is that easy. All you need is the creativity to post the right content on Pinterest, and the dedication to post and pin regularly.

Call to Action:

Are you looking for the best Pinterest strategy for your brand? Don’t hesitate to reach us on [email protected]for the best results.

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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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