Facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing Stats You Should Be Aware of in 2021

published on: 31.01.2019 last updated on: 01.01.2021

Over the course of 2021 Facebook has continued to prove itself as a crucial aspect of the digital marketing industry. Things look like more of the same going into 2021. Using some of these statistics to analyze social trends can help your business crush it by adapting your marketing accordingly.

Facebook has immense power when it comes to building brands, generating leads, and even making sales, all at relatively low cost. So, let’s take a look at some of the most enlightening statistics regarding Facebook behavior.

1. Facebook Influence on Purchases Increased From 36% in 2014 to 52% in 2015

This stat includes both offline and online purchases. This shows us the immense impact that Facebook directly has on purchases. It is therefore very important for a retailer or brand owners to be active on social media. Not only to market but to actively engage to keep their brand presence high. If your brand is out of sight, it is out of mind, and that’s bad news when it comes to consumers making purchases. This statistic is sourced from articles on thedrum.com and backed up by the Fastlikes.fr websites.

2. 50 million Facebook Business Pages Ran by Small Businesses

In total there are over 50 million Facebook business pages ran by small businesses and they use their pages to actively engage with their audience. Out of that 50 million, only 4 million out of 50 million make use of paid advertising over Facebook.

These stats show us that only a small number of businesses actually make use of paid Facebook advertising. It is an amazingly effective way of reaching your target audience and increasing your brands’ or your businesses’ reach. This can be especially effective for micro-businesses to help them gain momentum over their competition. These stats were sourced from Facebook and Forbes.

3. February 2016 4.5 million Facebook videos Uploading

During February 2016 alone users uploaded more than 4.5 million Facebook videos and those videos were viewed a total of more than 199 billion times. This just highlights the power of using videos in your marketing strategy. It can help your brand become more personalized and thereby getting higher conversion rates. Already 68% of online marketers report using video marketing with 70% planning to do so this year. Facebook live is used by 34% and 37% of them are planning to use it. Stat sourced from SEO.

4. Facebook ads and a very low

No Facebook ads and a very low 20% of the posts get people to respond emotionally. This is a shockingly low statistic that shows us Facebook is a bad option if we want to invoke emotional responses. Facebook is, therefore, better used to deliver personalized messages to specific target audiences at the right times. This approach can generate much better outcomes. Sourced from AdEspresso.

Wednesdays at 3pmare the ultimate window for Facebook posts to get the best results, other great times are Sundays and Saturdays from 12 pm to 1 pm and on Fridays and Thursdays from 1 pm to 4 pm. Optimizing your Facebook marketing in India can make a world of difference in your reach and conversions. There are some great tools available like Timely and Buffer where you can plan your posts to post automatically at the desired time.

Why Do So Many Businesses Quit Paid Facebook Ads?

The number reason that has been put out there is not enough clicks through to the business website from Facebook ads. This is a problem for some businesses because the idea of the paid ads campaign is to get people through a sales funnel. However, all that is happening here is the company is doing something wrong in their approach to Facebook paid ads.

1. They expect too much too soon:

Arguably the number one reason businesses quite are because they are expecting Facebook to bring traffic to their site and make immediate sales. For example, a medical insurance company might start a Facebook campaign and expect people to start filling in their quote form. However, 80% of the people that like or follow the page are doing so because they know that sometime in the future they will be interested. Especially if the company is advertising great deals.

These are latent buyers. Therefore, continuing to build up likes will eventually lead to huge numbers of people clicking through to the website. The results are slow in this case, plus often webmasters won’t see that the user came from Facebook because eventually when the person signs up for their product the Facebook tracking is no longer in their filter.

Exactly the same applies to websites that are selling diploma courses, education or any other site such as travel that sells a service that people are likely to be interested in, but just not at this time.

2. They don’t understand the branding value Facebook offers:

The other reason companies quit paid ads is because they don’t understand the branding value Facebook has. A campaign with likes, followers, and even comments is great brand exposure. As long as the brand name is out there, the company brand will grow.

One of the issues is that companies will stop because there are not enough clicks to the website. This actually hurts the brand building aspect of Facebook Ads. Now some companies need quicker sales because of their budget so it is understandable they want to stop their Facebook ads. However, rather than stop, they should just reduce their budget and continue brand building at a slower pace while concentrating the rest of their online marketing budget on other sales channels.

As you can see, Facebook stats are unbelievable. Using Facebook Ads is a wise decision, but companies have to be even wiser when it comes to the way they use Facebook ads in order to build their brand. Whether the company is selling shoes or insurance, Facebook should always be included in some form in their online marketing budget. This is because the brand-building potential in the long term Facebook offers always pays off in the end.

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Tags Facebook marketing
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Alexx Morgan is a passionate blogger. He loves to share his thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Roman Reign is associated with thelegalguides, thedatingdairy, thebitcoinmagazine, essaywritingguides, thecbdmagazine, thecasinomagazine, getmeseen, toppreference, bigjarnews, onlinehealthmedia, theparentsmagazine, thesportsmag, thepetsmagazine, worthytoshare, gossipment & okeymagazine.

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