Big Data

The Immense Role of Big Data in Healthcare

published on: 12.10.2021 last updated on: 26.11.2021

The tech concept of Big Data has brought a lot of game-changing progress to the global healthcare industry. This highly responsible field generates extremely huge amounts of important data literally every second.

And all this data must be efficiently gathered, processed, and stored. This is exactly where Big Data approaches come in as up-to-date, efficient tools of handling thorough, error-free data structuring and processing.

How Big Data Pushes Healthcare

In a nutshell, Big Data defines huge dataset massifs produced in the course of digital workflows. Big Data technologies are specialized tools used to synthesize and analyze extensive flows of data in a productive, beneficial manner. In the long run, this results in a bunch of benefits for healthcare providers’ administration, companies’ budget and reputation, and patient safety and satisfaction, including:

  • Reduction of common medical errors;
  • Better mass disease (epidemics) prevention initiatives;
  • Better epidemics spread and elimination forecasts and predictions through data modeling;
  • More accurate treatment with thorough detection of diseases at early stages;
  • The more personalized patient approaches;
  • Important real-time alerts and emergency notifications.

Summed up and combined, all the above results in higher and smoother digital workflow performance, better employee productivity, sturdier security of patient data, cut costs, and optimized healthcare overall. All this is achieved with the help of several major approaches, including the following.

Fraud Reduction and Data Security Reinforcement

Fraud reduction and data security reinforcement

According to the specialized source, over 40 million medical records have been exposed in the recent period of time alone. Pretty much all healthcare establishments have had to deal with fraud threats and security breaches at least once in terms of their operation.

Timely, properly handled Big Data analytics helps pinpoint the main potential breachable system points and fend off data fraud and breach attempts. And when combined with advanced firewall, user authentication, and blockchain approaches, market-defining efficiency can be achieved.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics

Business intelligence practices get an extreme boost with predictive analytics approaches.

In particular, it helps to ultimately enhance the quality of patient care through the in-depth analysis of historical data and especially modeled input data.

This opens vast horizons for efficient data-driven decision-making among doctors and healthcare specialists, enabling more precise diagnosis, timely treatments at early stages of pathologies, and an all-around personalized approach to patients resulting in better treatment outcomes.

This comes in especially handy when a patient is suffering from a number of diseases or if they have a complex medical history.

Consider Reading: Importance of Big Data in Social Media Marketing.

Cancer Cure Contribution

Cancer patients’ recovery rates and other specifics of this complex sickness are already being processed and analyzed more in-depth, accelerating the overall progress of creating the universally sought cure for cancer.

Specialized doctors can now more scrupulously examine tumor samples in specialized biobanks using Big Data modeling and analytics techniques. The efficient assistance at treating certain lung cancer types has already been derived from Big Data processing. On a side note, the antidepressant Desipramine has been researched and introduced due to Big Data efforts.

More EHR Powers

EHR or electronic health records is yet another healthcare-defining technology that can be further empowered and reinforced with the help of Big Data. In particular, in order to reach perfect compliance with HIPAA standards and other global health regulations.

EHRs help eliminates data duplications and makes therapy much more targeted and personalized through centralized patient data structuring. Common patient data can be analyzed to make recognizing and treating similar disease patterns efficient. This is a great way to bridge the gap between doctors practicing similar treatments all around the world.

The Unprecedented Benefit of Big Data

Big Data is the logical evolution of regular data and techniques for its processing and further handling. And it came and developed at a time when global healthcare data handling really needed a new, progressive method. In the future, it should also contribute to the advent of precision medicine, combined with the IoT for enhanced medical sensors and wearables, and more.

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Tags big data analytics big data technologies healthcare industry
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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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