Features Should Your Business Website

What Features Should Your Business Website Have?

published on: 15.09.2021 last updated on: 25.11.2021

Wanna make your business website awesome! then your website must have these features.

In the modern world, online shopping is an incredibly popular way to purchase items. You can purchase almost anything online. From antique plates to glass containers, everything is available online. There are several reasons why this method is so popular.

One of the biggest of these reasons is that online shopping is widely accessible. Anyone with an internet connection can search online and find a store that sells what they want. Just a few years ago, online shopping was considered unreliable. It’s amazing how this opinion has changed rapidly over a short time. The change in opinion is because of many reasons.

The internet has changed the world in several ways. From social interactions to shopping and even education. Online shopping was not recommended at the beginning yet this is not the case now. The rise in popularity and trust is credited to the website manufacturers too.

10 Features That Must Have In A Business Website

There are many features and checks in place that make a website reliable. Popular websites such as Amazon didn’t gain popularity overnight. There were many changes made regarding different aesthetics and convenience choices. Below are a few ways to make your website more convenient, aesthetic, and reliable.

1. Convenience

Convenience is the name of the game of online shopping. The entire purpose of ordering online is because consumers stay in the convenience of their homes. To add to this, websites can be designed differently to make the process more convenient.

2. Shopping Cart

A simple yet effective addition to online shopping is the cart. This is a cart where users can add the products they are willing to buy. Imagine a consumer wanting to purchase several shirts but only being able to purchase one at a time. This will make it inconvenient for the consumer and prompt them to spend less time on the website.

To mitigate this, a cart should be added as soon as possible. This can have a range of benefits for the website. Benefits can include more website activity and possibly higher sales. Having a shopping cart is seen as a necessity in today’s world.

3. Categories

When consumers visit a website, they are usually looking for a specific product. Going through endless rows of random products may prove to be taxing. Categorizing products into specific sections will help get consumers to where they need to. These are especially useful in clothing websites where many categories are needed.

4. Search Engine

A search engine installed on the website can be very convenient. Websites with a large catalog of products require a search option too. These are simple additions that go a long way and make the business look professional. A search engine is helpful for websites where robotics and machinery are available. For example, searching for Can Packaging machines will find them faster than searching categories.

5. Aesthetics

Aesthetics are almost just as important as convenience.  The way your website looks speaks a lot about your professionalism. The website should be reflective of the type of product your company sells. A website focused on packaging should include specific details about its products. 

6. Colors

Colors can do wonders for a website. Different colors have psychological effects on our brains. Most shopping websites use the color red as it gets the most attention. Others choose different colors according to what they do. The color green is also associated with sweet food. Colors can be used in a variety of ways. This makes them ideal for improving accessibility as well as interest.

Websites that implement colors are known to gather more web activity than those that don’t. This is also true for some companies that base their products according to some colors too. In terms of clothing, the color red represents confidence to the wearer. This is why many professional sports teams succeed with red as their sportswear.

7. Animations

Animations in a website are indicative of the amount of work put into the website. Material design is a concept to replace the older unattractive website designs of the past. Better and more fluid animations will act as the replacement for them. This change brings several benefits to the website.

Animations make the website smoother to operate and can be a joy to roam around in. Consumers may relate the work put into the website as the same work they put into products. Implementing material design may prove to be a little tricky yet it will pay off greatly.

8. Reliability

The reliability of a website is dependent on the brand loyalty of the company. A company known for delivering quality products will automatically have a great following. That being said, there are a few things that can be done.

9. Payment Methods

Alternate payment methods can be what your website needs to become more reliable. Consumers that are hesitant to pay in advance can also choose a cash-on-delivery option. If Cash on delivery is available then it is likely sales will significantly increase.

10. Customer Support

Websites that offer customer support are that much more reliable. Having a real person to talk to promotes reliability and a realness to the website. It seems less like an elaborate scam and more a legit website. Customer support should be added for reliability.


Online shopping has grown and is continuing to grow in popularity. Many predict that ordering online will become the primary shopping method in the future. As competition grows it is necessary to make engaging and reliable websites. We hope you have learned a thing or two on website aesthetics, convenience, and reliability.

Polished a little more.

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Ariana Smith is a Marketing Manager at iDream Agency. She is passionate about Social Media and co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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