SERP Rankings

How To Craft Legal Website Content For Better SERP Rankings?

published on: 28.11.2020 last updated on: 30.01.2021
  • Do you have problems with your legal post not seeing the light of the day?
  • Your legal blogs and articles are of no help in boosting client’s numbers? 
  • Are you looking to generate queries and sales from your digital presence?

If you are searching for answers to the questions mentioned above, you are in the right place. In this article, we will guide you towards an effective method that you can practice to boost your legal articles’ reach.

We have passed the era of traditional content consumption. Today, people are more active on online platforms rather than reading news and articles in paper magazines. If the types of content have changed, then it is time for you to change the content’s approach. 

Instead of writing content that will sound promotional, you can write content that will highlight the problems. When people become aware of the problem, they try to market themselves as the solution.

This has been the concept of marketing and product and services. However, you need to understand that the traditional content will not perform on digital media. For that, you need to create digital SEO optimized content.

How To Optimize Legal Website Content?

There is no such difference between legal website content and regular website content. The only difference you will find is that one is a blogging platform, while the other is a legal service provider. In terms of content, designs, and layout, a legal website differs from any other website, be it an e-commerce one or a mere blog. 

Here are some of the following suggestions to improve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you can go with the below suggestion, you will expose your content on the top pages of the searching engines.

Relevant Content

When you create and publish content, it becomes essential just what kind of content is being produced. Remember that being a legal website, you have a micro-niche, and hence, you can not write anything apart from the relevant niche. 

Do thorough research and look for the things that your audience might love to read. No matter what happens, do not write content just for the sake of creating content. Create content that you think might add value to your audiences’ lives. 

Relevant keywords follow relevant content. Identify and target the keywords that you think are relevant to your industry. Keywords are the best way to tell the search engine about the context of the content. If you can effectively distribute your keyword in the whole body, you will create content that is accepted by the search engine.

Update Your Content

By the above points, you must have already noticed just how important content is. If you cannot produce high-quality content, you have no place in the market. But that does not mean that after creating high-quality content, your work is done.

Every day there is something new in the industry. That means, every day, there is new content to explore. So, if your content goes unchanged for an extended period, search engines might find that irrelevant and might push down its rankings. 

Hence, whenever something is new in the industry, and you have written an article on that industry, try to update the latest news.

Create High-Quality Backlinks

Creating backlinks is the best way to get more referral audiences. This practice not only helps your content get exposure but also boosts your website reputation. However, we have seen that people have misunderstood the concept of backlinks.

We have seen people adding links on “Click here” or “Read More.” there is no harm in doing so; however, if we see it from a search engine perspective, it does not have any value. Try using proper keywords to place the links. This will boost your performance on the search engines.

When it comes to using backlinks, niche matters for legal websites. By linking to articles already offering legal tips, guides, and help, you will be able to enjoy an immediate boost to your SERPs. 

Focus on Google My Business- 

Most legal firms and lawyers are territorial. In other words, they look to tap into clients, which are situated in a specific city or state. The reasons for the same are various. Most importantly, clients look to work with lawyers and legal firms in the same city as laws, rules and regulations differ from state to state. 

Using GMB can help in boosting Local SEO, which in turn, can have a great impact on your local search queries. By having a properly optimized GMB page, putting in great reviews and ratings, and also including images and videos, you can enable your GMB to become one great lead magnet. 

Legal firms need to remember that it is all about trying to create the perfect digital ecosystem. This will help guarantee positive results and ensure better queries for your business. 

Use Social Media Aggressively- 

If you are able to maintain and run an aggressive social media page, you will start seeing queries from both social media directly, as well as from traffic, which goes from your social media to the website. 

There is a misconception that social media does not work well for the legal industry. However, by placing smart content, having interactive Q and A sessions, and offering legal remedies, you will be getting your brand across in front of the right audiences. 

You can also try spending limited amounts on social media paid advertising to see the results your brand is getting. If you start seeing good results, you can continue with paid promotions on social platforms. 

Final Tip

One thing we have seen people doing is not adding Alt Tags on visual or video content. There can be several reasons. Either you do not understand its importance, or you do not intend to boost your content in every possible way. Alt Tags are the only way in which search engine bots can interpret your visuals and video content. If you are missing out on these, that means you are missing out on an opportunity to land a high ranking of the search engines.

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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at

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