twitter advertising

Top 10 Tips To Improve Twitter Advertising For High Conversions

published on: 28.09.2018 last updated on: 10.11.2020

In the recent past, the popularity of Twitter has grown significantly, and the number of users continues to grow with each passing day. It’s turning into a powerful social media platform both for individuals as well as marketers.

According to the Statista, with average 335 million active users, the platform has given a golden opportunity to advertisers to reach out to a broader audience base and build relationships with them. But it only works for those who understand the know-how of Twitter marketing. Advertising without the right approach is a waste of time and money.

“How can I make people click my ads and buy my product?” This is the question that usually pop-ups in most marketer’s mind. Since Twitter is a powerful marketing tool, it becomes evident for marketers to find out a surefire solution to increase the clickability and minimize the bounce rate. The recent past has witnessed a significant surge in Twitter’s advertising revenue growth rate that has hard-pressed marketers to put their advertisements on this popular social networking platform.

In the realm of digital marketing, the biggest challenge is that there are no fixed guidelines. The marketing trends keep changing now and then. Something relevant today might get obsolete tomorrow. So, what’s the way out to make sure that one will get a better return on Twitter ads? Here are 10 tips that can help you improve your Twitter Advertising:

1. Determine your goals:

Twitter allows you to focus on two things: lead generation and engagement. Which one you choose depends upon your goals. If you want to run an ad campaign on Twitter, you need first to decide what you want to achieve from that campaign. Depending upon what you choose, determine the engagement type and actions you pay for. Currently, Twitter offers the following campaign goals:

  • Awareness Campaign: To reach as many unique users as possible. Through this type of campaign, you promote your tweets and set a bid cost on per 1000 impressions.
  • Tweet Engagement Campaign: To extend the reach by liking, re-tweeting, or replying to your tweet. You will be charged per initial engagement with the user.
  • Website Clicks or Conversions: Ensuring maximum people click your ad and redirect them to your website. This campaign type needs you to pay on the basis of the number of clicks.
  • Video View Campaign:  To get maximum engagement with your video. You will be charged on the basis of the number of times your video gets viewed.
  • App Install: To get users to install your app on their mobiles. You will be charged on the basis of the number of times your app gets installed and open.
  • Follower Campaign: To drive new followers to our account. You will be charged per new follower.

2. Using Twitter Lists:

Twitter lists are a great way to follow users with similar tastes and preferences. The list allows the users to categorize the people by assigning them a group. The list acts as a filter, making sure you pick up the tweets of those who are interested in your brand. You can either create your own list or find the list that has already been created by some other users. You might already know this. But this is going to help you in advertising strategy? Luckily, Twitter API allows you to access the publically created lists. You can download/export the list and use it with Twitter Tailored Audience to target the same users.

3. Share valuable and exciting content:

Engagement on Twitter is often compared with the cocktail party where we meet with people and have a discussion. Sharing relevant and compelling content will help you to engage the audience and attract the new followers to your social media page. Your followers will be likely to respond more on your tweets. For higher conversions try to keep it short and use @mentions to reach the broader audience base.

4. Engage with your audience:

Many businesses put their Twitter feeds on autopilot or continuously push their content. Although there is a place for a promotional tweet, your feed will get more attention if you make it a resource for your followers. You can engage your audience by sharing:

  • Videos: As per the CISCO prediction, by 2021, 80% of the internet traffic will be dominated by video.
  • Polls and asks questions
  • User-Generated Content: Create new a hashtag and ask users to share their content on your profile.
  • Behind the scene posts: The best way to build trust and connection is to share behind the scenes with the users.
  • Gifs: They communicate with the audience when words don’t do the tricks
  • Evergreen content: Evergreen content are – Case Studies, Blog posts, EBooks, and Guides, etc.

5. Implement a flexible editorial calendar:

Making a calendar is a great way to plan the upcoming content. Marketing campaigns often have a lot of moving parts. Calendars can help in keeping the team organized and bringing on the same page. Keep in mind the following points while designing your calendar:

  • Schedule your posts from 12 pm to 3 pm
  • Weekdays are best for posts for B2B companies
  • Weekdays and weekends are best for B2C companies
  • CTR is higher on Wednesdays

6. Understand Ad formats:

Some people don’t know much about the ad formats. Choosing the right and is very important for the success of the campaign. Many ads are designed to achieve the same results. So it is essential to test the ROI of various advertisements that yield the same results. Here is a small brief of ad types on Twitter advertising:

  • Promoted tweets:  These are the simple tweets that are designed for the people who are not following your social media page. Like regular tweets, these can also be re-tweeted. They look similar to other tweets except with the “Promoted” label.
  • Promoted accounts: Also known as “follower campaigns,” it allows you to target not only the new users but also those who might find your content interesting. These ads appear on “who to follow” widget and on users home timeline. Make sure your logo is visible as it will be the main thing to get the attention of the users. 
  • Promoted trends: If you are not short on budget, you can buy space in the trending widget.

 7. Joint Promotions:

This is one of the most underutilized tactics not just on Twitter but all the social media platforms. But the fact is that it is the most effective way to reach a new audience. There are a lot of ways through which you can do joint promotions. One of the popular ways is to join Twitter Chat. It is a win-win situation for both brands. Each will get equal exposure.

8. Influencer Tweets:

Influencers are professionals who are known as social media influencers. These people help the brands in gaining followers on their social media page. If you are not gaining popularity, then go for influencer tweets. It is the secret behind many successful campaigns. Research has shown that 40% of the people purchased because of a direct tweet from an influencer. You can either use Twitter search or tools like Buzzsumo to find the most popular influencer as per your industry.

9. Free lead-generation cards:

Lead-generation cards are used with promoted tweets to allow users to subscribe to your email list. This is a great way to collect leads directly within the tweets. Users don’t have to fill out any personal information. They just have to click the call-to-action button on the card.

10. Testing:

Testing is an essential key to success.  It is advisable to test campaigns so that you can have a better understanding of what targeting and creative types are performing best, and giving high conversions. Twitter official partner AdParlor tool benefits the advertisers by allowing them to do split testing in one click, budget management at both the campaign and ad group level. The tool saves time by removing the unnecessary repetition of optimization.


Twitter is the most active and conversational social media platform. It is making significant changes so that brands can make effective use of the platform. It is a powerhouse of social media. Anyone can tweet anything, but only the best one stands out and gets engagement. To get noticed and improve conversion rates, follow the above tips. Have more tips to enhance twitter advertising? Share in the below comment section.  

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Tags Twitter Advertising twitter marketing twitter marketing strategy
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David Jackson has always been passionate about knowing everything about what is going around the world. This passion has been the driving force that has led him to be one of the most creative authors for ThePetsMagazine &  TheParentsMagazine.

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