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New and exciting marketing opportunities for companies to be it large or small are really growing due to the social media world. Now, business owners no longer ignore the long list of benefits that come with social networking. You can find most of them on Facebook and Twitter pages.
If you own a company and you need to grow your reach, then you can use LinkedIn to grow brands as it is valuable. LinkedIn is a social network which puts the emphasis on making and maintaining professional connections as opposed to social friends.
There are so many reasons why your personal branding for your businesses is relevant for success. First, you need a brand because people are going to do searches and thus going to find you and your businesses. This will build up a strong relationship and thus increasing traffic.
The truth is that your online connections are looking for the best in particular categories and when they come upon your information’s, this may take a little while and lots of evaluations before deciding to contact you. This is the reason why you need to make sure that your personal brands are in the tip top shapes. This article will teach you how to use LinkedIn to grow brands.
Just about any business use LinkedIn to grow brands or company professional can benefit by joining LinkedIn. Any enterprise that involves sales, PR or marketing can benefit from the promotion and engagement potential that LinkedIn offers.
Many business owners create a company page on LinkedIn for networking opportunities and business-to-business connections. Non-profits use the site to find new channels for fundraising, and HR professionals find it quite effective.
LinkedIn, in the right hands, can be a powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal. Using the tools provided within the LinkedIn social network, you can add personality to your brand, connect with other businesses, target your advertising and create loyalty among your customers. So what are the tricks one can use in exploring LinkedIn in acquiring clients?
It is not suitable for all of your enterprises with the potential customer on LinkedIn. It is better to arrange for a personal meeting with your customer in a local coffee shop or any other comfortable place where you can talk. This is how business relations take place. Your duty is to provide solutions to the problems of your clients and, thus, ensure that your conversations are absolutely clear on what you have to offer to them.
By networking and finding the right prospects this will increase your growth .you can join common interests groups as this would be the most suitable place to find potential clients. Stay active in that group by posting relevant comments and giving valuable feedback. Do not promote your brand rather, engage your brands in the communications.
You must use keywords in your profile information by anticipating what your potential clients type when searching for products and services, or anything that they are looking for, or wanting to be likely to use when searching for people like you. You should be using key phrases by focusing on what your clients will know. It will help you to use LinkedIn to grow brands.
You should aspire to have a large LinkedIn network. Many social media experts ask you to make your profiles easier to enhance search. Thus it is important to expand your networks and have no limitations to only the current levels of connection. By doing this, it will really expose your brands.
When you upgrade your LinkedIn accounts to higher versions this will remarkably elevate you’re networking standards. You will get accessibility to some cool tools and features such as getting contact info of your stalkers, the use of search parameters that target your niche and using in Mail that allows you send an email directly to virtually anyone on LinkedIn.
When you use LinkedIn to grow brands gives you the traffic and following but not in the same way as Facebook and Twitter. You must realize that LinkedIn is a group of professionals who want to connect to people who are basically like them.
People remember brands easily and the best way to market yourself online is to have a recognized brand name so that people may associate it with you and similarly you should have the same brand name on LinkedIn to market yourself better.
So how can you use LinkedIn to grow brands if you ever want to give it a shot? To help you in the navigation of LinkedIn as a marketing platform that increases your brand, here are some of the LinkedIn hacks you can use to boost your brand;
Your profile is always one of the most and best powerful tools that platforms provide for you. You should always ensure that all the information on your profiles are relevant, interesting and recent since people read your profiles whenever they connect with you. Ensure that the profiles are up to date. With the use of LinkedIn, this will give you the choice of whether to share your profile updates to all your connections
These days, fewer people are following LinkedIn branded content. People can give tons of worth and network directly with others. LinkedIn is a person-to-person platform. If you actually share content as your brand, it tends to be a reflexion. Individuals are always looking to build their own distinctiveness and audiences, and it means more to followers when they act as influencers
Unlike most social media platforms, LinkedIn is not about quantity but about quality. LinkedIn will enhance your visibility with each connection you are making only when connected well. This mainly by having a complete profile and an account that is active.
Also, you should ensure that there is a good reason to why you are connecting; are you from the same industry? Do they read, comment or share your comments or do you have similar interests?
One of the reasons why LinkedIn has taken off in the recent is that it’s more about the individuals than the companies and brands. Individuals want to connect with other people, not brands without names or faces. LinkedIn has done a marvelous job of providing individuals with a voice that can be heard and seen across an extensive network — a thing that Facebook has lost touch with.
Join groups related to your businesses, and Share your interests. Frequently post status updates. This will not only brand you as an active member but this is also a good way to establish your expertise in your field. Join in on different conversations and discussions on your group.
Make sure you make your presence felt through your participation. Through these discussions, it can help in the establishment of your expertise in the field. Do not always talk about your businesses or spam but answer questions and become resourceful to be trusted by people.
There is a growing trend for professionals to own their own name and create a website or blog that establishes their credibility in their field of expertise. This personal branding is very necessary. Taking advantage of the desire for information and starting to post articles that are informative and resourceful to others is relevant.
Through the use of LinkedIn, you can share with your groups creating discussions while driving them to your websites. When they read about them on a section on your websites, they can connect with you much easier as the content on your blog is engaging.
It is important to always have an updated and consistent presence for your brands with its own company profile pages. The content, imagery, and colors on these pages should be consistent with your websites and any other social media profiles the businesses have.
The pages should be regularly updated to ensure an active brand and appearing to be a current business. By creating a LinkedIn presence and maintaining it will help you in growing your brand as your contents will be appealing to more customers
In the B2B business world, success depends on meaningful and highly personal connections, online and offline. To engage on LinkedIn effectively, your outreach should reflect a clear understanding of the specific challenges of your audience, while accurately conveying the unique promise of your brand. In other words, it needs the same authenticity that is expected in face-to-face interactions.
With updates that are sponsored, businesses pay to push their post onto individuals LinkedIn feed. This “pay-per-1,000” or “pay-per-click” impress chin offers demographics that are similar to the other social media platforms; gender, location, and age, but one key variation is the ability to modify grounded on company’s groups, schools, name, job function, and job titles. With these users will focus mainly on the target industries.
Thus, a sponsored update can be an exceptional way to indorse thought-leadership content valuable mainly to the focused audience with a strong call to action. People do not want to see unadulterated advertising anymore and want something useful for free. By promoting a firm’s content through a LinkedIn Sponsored Update, a firm can target a function audience, increase website visitors and, if the content is compelling enough, generate sales primes.
LinkedIn is a costly platform, especially for advertisement. Even if you require a bigger budget for this solution, you need to consider the outcome it can provide you i.e. better-qualified leads who are searching for solutions for their enterprises. You should definitely capitalize on this.
It is also a content hub for professionals and hence you need to consider it in your content strategy. It is a critical strategy for those who want to use LinkedIn to grow brands.
LinkedIn is a prevalent business social media platform that every growing business owner, entrepreneur, solo entrepreneur or any other person seeking to increase awareness of their brand need to consider joining.
When you use LinkedIn to grow brands, you can hire new employees, network with other companies and address issues related to your industry from the comfort of your couch. Currently, it is the only place where over 65 million individuals; entrepreneurs, corporate organizations, professionals, etc. engage in personal word of mouth marketing despite being in different parts of the world.
LinkedIn works through connections so the more connections you have; the better are the chances of flourishing your business. LinkedIn has an option of copying your email contacts, let LinkedIn do this and you will have a lot of connections. And if some new connection contacts you, arrange an interview with them.
LinkedIn gives you a chance to make your company known and through different deals you can bring your company in the good books of the people and this can bring you, customers when your company provide offers. These people are known as “connections” on LinkedIn and through your connections, you can actually promote your business brand well.
More so, LinkedIn is connected to Google search engine as well. And if someone makes a search and your company’s name is included in it, the search result will also list your company. The best way is to add on some attractive and easy keywords in your LinkedIn profile so that when people search on Google they may find you and your company easily. It will help you to use LinkedIn to grow brands.
To make you and your company has known it is necessary that you should use the same trademark everywhere which includes your LinkedIn profile as well so that you can have the same marketing every place online. You may also search for the companies similar to yours. And once you find them, see their marketing procedure, there schemes online and if they want any partnership with a company, you may also join them
In the case also you use LinkedIn to grow brands so that you get famous, then you should keep updating your profiles according to your works. It is very important since your connections may get to know what is new at your side about the events happening.
Would you like to use LinkedIn to grow your brand? Don’t hesitate to reach to us on [email protected] for the best results.
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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at BloggerOutreach.io.