
Soon You Will Be Able To Use Threads From Your Desktop Browser

published on: 23.08.2023 last updated on: 20.11.2024


  • Threads will finally be usable from desktop and mobile browsers using its web client.
  • The Threads web interface will be the same as the mobile app interface without skipping out any features.
  • It’s expected to roll out sometime this week, by the end of August 2023.

Threads will finally roll out its web browser version by the end of this week (the last week of August 2023). This comes as a response to many Threads users who have complained about the platform not being available for desktop or keyboard and mouse users.

Since Threads is a microblogging platform similar to Instagram, users will mostly be creating text-based posts through their accounts. Therefore, it’s expected that many active users will prefer typing it out using their keyboards on their laptops and computers.

Therefore, since Threads was only available on smartphones so far, many X users who shifted to this platform were frustrated with the lack of a browser version for computer users. Since many X users used the platform and posted from their computers, the lack of a dedicated version for computers kept them away from Threads.

Many analysts even believed that this caused many users to lose interest in the platform, which has been attributed to be one of the main reasons why the growth of Threads slowed down a lot after the initial hype of its release died down.

However, this change is expected to bring in new users, especially the ones who prefer using such a platform from their computers. It seems like Zuckerberg and his team developing Meta are finally hearing the wishes of its users.

Threads From Your Desktop Browser

We expect an influx of new users due to the increased availability of Threads on new platforms. Plus, more users will mean more advertisers on the platform – something we expect to see soon.

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Pijus Maity is an SEO Associate with an engineering background, combining technical expertise with a passion for digital marketing. He specializes in optimizing websites for better search engine performance, leveraging data-driven strategies to enhance user experience and drive results.

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