What Can You Do To Help Your Videos Appear In Search Results

What Can You Do To Help Your Videos Appear In Search Results?

published on: 21.09.2021 last updated on: 14.10.2024

It’s quite common to hear the term SEO. Maybe you’ve heard it a  million times. Are you aware that adding videos to your website content can bring more traffic to your site and drastically improve the SEO efforts you are putting in?

Videos are indeed becoming the most important shapes of content marketing. Its presence is so powerful that it can create or destroy your optimization efforts easily.

Before we talk about how video can be used to upgrade your content, in this article:

What Can You Do To Help Your Videos Appear In Search Results?

  1. Make the content really interesting
  2. Give detailed descriptions of its content
  3. Brand your videos
  4. Include calls to action within the videos

Let’s recall what SEO is all about.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is used to grow the clarity of search engine results pages. The more your website ranks, the more people will visit your page when searching for a pertinent query.

People show interest in your website, so click through it, read your content, and finally have an idea about your brand. Practicing changes often, but remember that optimizing your site structure and content can also start more conversions than any other digital marketing effort.

SEO is the best way for businesses according to their selected audiences. In a noisy world where everybody has demanded and needs validation, SEO helps people with the potential to boost their businesses.

Using search engines means people are going for targeted searches. They are continuously looking for what you have to offer, so you need to learn digital marketing strategy.

This will make your site interesting so that users at once click through your website and stay stuck for a while.

If you already know this, then you may already have made decisions to boost your SEO. Good for you.

After studying SEO, you may have certain blogs and articles on keyword search, or you may have been assigned a technical SEO expert to help you crawl and index your pages properly.

Now, what you may not have noticed is that video can help your SEO ranking and add some significant ways to it.

Keeping the topic in mind, What Can You Do To Help Your Videos Appear In Search Results, let’s roll.

SEO And Video

SEO And Video 

The basic thing done by SEO is to keep track of your internal content strategy that the search engine’s algorithm is prioritizing. Sometimes, we don’t get the full view from Google. Therefore, we need video as it is a powerful tool for SEO.

Now, I know that many of you are thinking, how does SEO help in video ranking? Here is what you should know about the connection.

We all know that Google shows us a video thumbnail just next to the search result, so users are more likely to press that listing. The presence of the thumbnail makes the content more reliable and is called ‘rich snippets’, which is higher than the standard one.

We have also heard the rumor that Google has prioritized search results with videos. It has given content with video more priority than the one without it. Google absolutely denies that they do this, but marketers have confirmed that their SEO results suggest it to be true.

So, SEO, both directly and indirectly, benefits video. Videos can influence not only rank but also other factors.

93% of online experiences start with a search engine, so it’s quite natural if you want to do everything that will bring your content to the first page. Google highly prioritizes websites that are with videos.

Make High-Quality Video To Boost Your SEO

Make High-Quality Video To Boost Your SEO 

The SEO strategy that you need to learn takes time to make high-quality content that has a particular goal. The video alone cannot bring traffic to your website; you also need good content.

The process is quite simple to remember: videos boost the rankings, which brings more people to the site. Therefore, they click on your site.

Remember, if you can’t provide good content, then people won’t stay on your page because of the lack of quality content.

Search engines would never host a low-quality video with no content as they don’t want to land people on useless pages. As people leave your pages, not finding what they are looking for will increase your bounce rate automatically.

So what are you getting? Nothing, you are losing the ranking; therefore, to Google, your site lacks authority.

You don’t have to think about all the negative sides if you only put some time and create some creative ideas in your production strategy.

Here are some expert tips that will tell you what you can do to help your videos appear in search results.

1. Fill Your Websites With Videos

Making videos isn’t enough; you must publish them on your site. Remember the placement in which you are choosing to put the video. For example, you can fit a brand video on your ‘about us’ homepage or website page.

Your e-commerce platform or your website’s product descriptions appreciate a great product video. Testimonial videos are very powerful and can fit anywhere on your site.

Bonus tip from the experts: when you are distributing your video content for SEO purposes, you can definitely repurpose the exact same content to supplement the rest of your marketing strategy.

2. Show Some Video Context

Embed your videos where they make sense and also have relevant written and visual content. Google needs to understand the worth of your page and how it fits the content on-page.

That is how your results will get better. This is how you get to the last step of what you can do to help your videos appear in search results.

3. Mention The Technical Details

After you are done uploading your video to sites like YouTube and Vimeo, don’t forget to mention the right facts on the backend. If you don’t, then the crawlers of search engines won’t be able to prioritize and categorize your video.

You have to give them the necessary details so that audiences who are searching for particular content can get their hands on and read the quality video content you provide without losing interest.

Things Can You Do To Help Your Videos Appear In Search Results

There are certain things you can try to optimize your video and break the search-engine results even if you are not Beyonce. Here are some of those ways.

Choose the hosting platform wisely

Think about the reasons why you want the videos to rank, and then choose a hosting platform. Do you want to increase the traffic of your site and gain some new leads? Or are you just simply looking for brand awareness and thought leadership?

If you are not concerned about traffic, then you can try Vimeo and YouTube. Once the video gets indexed on these platforms, most of the traffic goes to these videos and not the website. However, when you have other priorities, you must choose another platform, like Instagram or LinkedIn.

Optimize the copy wisely

Studies have shown that 100% of videos in SERPs appear on the first page of the platform. To get there, you must optimize the tags, the descriptions, and the titles. You have to keep keywords in the filename while you are uploading it.

You have to add it to the descriptions with the external links of the website or the product page. Try not to tag with popular keywords that are not relevant. Users would not watch those, and it is going to affect the rankings as well.

Pick an engaging thumbnail

Think of the thumbnail as a billboard that is trying to get the attention of people. A preview image can drastically increase the click-through rates of the video. After uploading the video to the preferred platform, you have to choose and edit the thumbnail that will lure the audience to your website.

You can also update the custom thumbnails, and while doing it, it is advised that you keep some clear text and a human face if you are featuring people or something that you think is going to bring in some audience.

Create a video sitemap

Video-sharing platforms are indexed with Bing and Google. However, your website is not. So, it is intelligent to create a sitemap to post exclusively on your own.

This sitemap will have everything, like the metadata about the video. For instance, title, description, and duration, so the search engines can find it. Once the video sitemap is created, add that in the Google Webmaster Tools sitemap area.

Optimize the sharing strategy

This is useful for both people who are using their own website and video-sharing sites to host landing page videos. Most of the videos get their views from embedded players on social media and websites. This makes the sharing strategy very important.

So you have to think about customizing the video for people to upload the blogs, build a virtual network, and use other social media and blogs to increase your reach.


There, you have an article on what you can do to help your videos appear in search results. In this article, we have covered the basic and main steps and recalled a bit about SEO.

What steps do you need to follow if you are thinking about making videos that will appear in your search results?

Leave us a review of how much this article helped you understand the topic in the comment section below. Share with us your experience.

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Tags Optimize Video Content for Search Proccess To Help Your Videos Appear In Search Results Video for SEO Ranking Video SEO
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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at BloggerOutreach.io.

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