Balancing your social presence and your website traffic as a business

Balancing Your Social Presence And Your Website Traffic As A Business

published on: 27.07.2023 last updated on: 08.09.2023

Operating a business in an online environment means both your website and social platforms are vital channels to market and should be providing relevant, engaging content to your customers. With over 80% of the Australian population using social media, having a consistent and connected experience is important for your business’s Social Presence and to help reach its selling potential.

If you are unsure of exactly how to balance your social presence and website traffic, engaging the services of a social media company or a Melbourne web design agency could be the key to unlocking your online potential.

However, some simple steps have been outlined below that can help make a quick impact on both these important channels to market. The key step in all this is a multi-pronged approach to the integration of your social media and website to ensure consistent and simultaneous growth for both channels.

What Is Social Media Integration?

Social Media Integration

The current estimated usage of social media is 4.85 billion users worldwide, and by 2027, the volume is expected to hit 5.85 billion worldwide. The era of Facebook domination is well behind us, but the rise of many other social media platforms leaves the average business owner with a plethora of channels to populate.

Social media integration is the process of utilizing social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or LinkedIn as extensions of your marketing campaign.

The Benefits Of Social Media Integration

A good marketing campaign with successful social media integration will:

  • Drive customers to the website to complete a clear call to action, like making a purchase or reviewing relevant content that can build the business’s brand reputation.
  • Drive customers to engage with the social media posts and follow the business to engage with future posts.
  • Have consistent branding and messaging cross-platform with minor curation to suit the target audience on each platform. Imagery will be sized specifically for each platform, and handles should ideally be the same across every channel.
  • Utilize appropriate hashtags, mentions, or tagging based on the platform relevant to your social presence.
  • Post consistently to ensure the consumer is being presented with content on a regular basis – the more they engage with a channel, the more regularly the content will be shown to them.
  • Post consistently so the platform can identify and reward the channel for being a frequent user.
  • Engage with users who are engaging with your content – interaction can help generate more interest in the business.
  • Generate relevant content marketing – articles that inevitably point consumers back to the business website. Big hits for social media content marketing continue to be short-form videos, listicles, and how-to articles. Top tip: Be sure to include social share buttons at the top of each content article – this will make it easier for consumers to share your content and broaden your audience.
  • Identify whether there is a significant opportunity by investing in a paid campaign to increase your audience size and attract more consumers.

By covering the above, you can be sure to nail two birds with one stone and simultaneously build both your website traffic and your social media presence.

What About The Business Website?

Business Website

The current number of internet users worldwide is sitting at 5.18 billion. While social media is working hard to promote both followers and send traffic to the website, the website itself can return the favor with its own cross-platform promotion by:

  • Ensuring links to each social channel are embedded on the footer of every page on the website and included in a ‘Contact Us page to drive users back to these platforms.
  • Designing promotions specifically around following your business’ social channels that may provide a discount or other benefit to the consumer.
  • eDMs should include links to your social channels and drive customers to them where possible – “Check out our Instagram page for a 10% Off promo code!”
  • If appropriate, create an In Product Message (IPM) or a pop-up ad. Make sure to point customers to your social channels, which can be used short-term for quick traffic and follower boosts.

But, How To Boost Your Brand’s Organic Reach On Social Media?

All this while, we have talked about the different ways in which social presence benefits our business. But how to build a massive digital presence and maximize organic reach? Here are 5 key steps:

  • Check What Your Competitors Are Doing

Businesses- whether online or offline, are always competitive. In the blink of a moment, your competitor can surpass your reputation. Hence, one of the primary steps to boost your digital presence is to check what makes your competitors popular and implement the same strategies. 

  • Keep All The Profiles Up-To-Date

Imagine your business getting relocated, but your clients are not aware of it. You are most likely to lose tons of customers if you fail to keep your profiles updated. From Facebook to Instagram, make sure all your social media handles are updated with recent information. 

  • Publish Content That’s Evergreen

As the name implies, “evergreen” content is those that do not lose traction at any point in time. A typical social media post, especially on Facebook or Twitter, has a widely varied lifespan. 

  • Don’t Chase The Crowd

It might happen that a strategy that works for your competitor might not work for you. Even though you belong to the same niches, every business has its own foundation and target customers. That’s why it is important to not follow the herd and try strategies that work best for you.

  • Use Slow Hours To Post Content

One of the biggest misconceptions about building a staunch online presence is that you must post when everybody is online. In a hurricane of posts, your content is most likely to get lost. Hence, it is ideal to share your posts on slow hours like 1 pm to 3 pm or 2 pm to 6 pm. 

Concluding Words

Creating an integrated social presence is an excellent way to ensure brand consistency and help drive awareness of your business. Ensuring you initiate campaigns with multiple objectives, like increasing social media engagement and followers and driving website traffic, can help ensure you manage your time.

It also helps to balance both facets of your business in an efficient and effective manner. Work smarter, not harder!

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Tags balance your social presence social media content marketing Social Media Integration Website Traffic
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With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing her profound thoughts and opinions on social media, lifestyle, beauty, and social business.

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