how can you attract social media users to share your video content online

How Can You Attract Social Media Users to Share Your Video Content Online?

published on: 18.02.2021 last updated on: 06.04.2021

How can you attract social media users to share your video content online?

  1. Tag them in posts
  2. Use hashtags
  3. Make them funny
  4. Use subtitles

Correct Answer – Tag them in posts

When it comes to marketing, exposure takes the most significant role in making the entire process a success. Many people argue that having quality content is excellent and a much bigger way to attract traffic to your site.

However, it should be noted that great content without people who can read it is just but nothing in the end. This then begs the question; how can you attract social media users to share your video content online for much reading and access to many people.

Exposure is Critical in Branding

Exposure is Critical in BrandingGiven this idea, all the business brands are doing all they can to make sure that they increase their videos’ exposure much as they can on social media. However, such a movie’s success depends on how this process is carried out and whether it is done correctly.

The good thing, though, is that we have various ways by which you can use to ensure that your video content is widely shared online. Even though we have some tactics, including the use of social media ads and relying on organic traffic, there is no better way of doing this than with the use of word of mouth to get more people talking about your services products.

People Affirming Your Business is One Key to Success

Ask People to share your contentIt is a known fact that the average consumer will be more than willing to transact business with you if we have other people willing to and ready to affirm your business. Word of mouth marketing has proven to be such a powerful tool that needs to be fully utilized by those seeking to increase their video content sharing.

1. Look for People to Share Your Posts as Well as Content on Social Media

Of course, if someone asks you how you can attract social media users to share your video content online, this is one of the suggestions you will give. However, this is one of those things that people say are much easier said than done. It is known and even proven that no average consumer will stand by a product or service unless they have their full belief in it.

Therefore, before asking people to share, start by ensuring that the content you ask them to share is worth sharing. Once you are convinced that your content is worth sharing, you can now move on and ask your audience to start sharing your content.

This might not pay as many people think and might even be tricky. There are so many reasons that make this the case, and one of them is that most of the brands on social media wrap their posts with do not forget to subscribe and share these days.

Therefore, standing out on social media means going out directly to influence the amount of exposure you can gain with the use of this technique or method. To help you in this regard, we have compiled a list of the best ideas that you can use to increase the sharing of your content on social media.

2. Make Use of Influencers in the Right Way

Make Use of InfluencersMany businesses people have or tend to have all the reasons we have around to think that influencers’ use is some form of a fad. This can only be the case if you are not looking at the bigger picture; if you are, you will realize that the case is different.

If you were to look at all the roles celebrities played in marketing and getting social media users to share your video content online, you would not be surprised that all the influencers we have around have been celebrities. Some of them started just as small people but have become some of the most famous people we know now.

To understand this in an even much better way, you need to consider a modern consumer’s life. Most modern consumers have grown up listening to so many ads on TVs and radios. As such, these consumers are used to brands, most of which lead them to inaccurate advertising.

The celebrity endorsements that these consumers are used mainly involve athletes and movie stars who talk about products they do not believe in or, in some cases, the world never uses. This can be so depressing.

That was then, today the internet has come in and changed in a much bigger way the way these consumers interact with advertisements. The internet has made it possible for most consumers to not interact with many advertisements these days.

3. Endorsement Celebrities Still Work

Celebrity EndorsementWe have so many options used to limit the number of advertisements people see, like ad blockers, which only means that internet users get to see a small percentage of advertisements.

We even have some music streaming services, including apple music and Spotify, that prefer to market their premium services as an ad-free listening experience. Most of them do this because of their understanding of the extent to which people dislike some of these annoying ads we have around.

It might look as though the reality in the current advertising trend can provide compelling content and sit back to only hope for the best. That is not quite the case. We have some tactics like celebrity endorsements just in case you need to know how can you attract social media users to share your video content online, which still works up to date only that they are the target now more than any other time.

Suppose you are looking for headphones, for instance. In that case, it is only expected that you will only trust a professional with a strong reputation other than relying on a vaguely familiar face offering you advice on the right headphones.

You might ask yourself why this is the case; well, it is because of authenticity, especially when expecting to develop the required level of brand loyalty for a consumer to have your content shared widely.

In recent days, social media influencers have proven to be the best and most suitable people for the needs of the modern-day consumer we have around. These are not just randomly recognizable for many starters but instead have a history with their audiences, which tends to put other celebrities.

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4. Make Use of Contests, Coupons, and UGC

Make Use of Contests, Coupons, and UGCThis is yet another one of how you can use it to generate more shares on social media and try giving out something. Well, not so many people will buy the idea of giving away something for free; it comes at the expense of other things which is why many people avoid such ideas.

Many of them argue that the fact they are running a business forbids them from ever giving out anything or something for free. Much as exposure and marketing are essential how can you attract social media users to share your video content online especially if you are wondering, it can also be argued that these are valid reasons for not using contests and giveaways.

However, if you face a more significant struggle trying to increase the amount of exposure you get, then a contest can be one of the ways you can leverage in pumping your social media shares.

It can even be much better, especially if you consider that the price does not have to be something big and you also get to choose the best approach yourself.

If you wish to keep things much simpler while at the same time serving yourself in the best way possible, then you can consider offering one major prize for a contest by all. However, with this approach, some audiences might get the feeling that they are less likely to win anything.

To put out this kind of thought, you can offer them smaller prizes to assure them that they could still win something from the contest. This way, everyone will see a realistic chance of winning something, which is one thing that will play to your advantage getting social media users to share video content online.

5. Always Go for the Best Prices

Always Go for the Best PricesWith the approach giveaways for a person who is interested in ways on how can you attract social media users to share your video content online, you feel that this will eat so much into your profits and something you are trying to avoid to sustain your business. However, this is not the case, or at least to make it even much better, this is always not the case.

The best way to go about this entire process is by coming up with or choosing the best approach to this process. The prize you choose to giveaway should always be in line with the kind of approach you prefer for the process of getting social media users to share your content online; this way, the whole process will succeed.

You can use one way to go about this by offering one major prize to increase the euphoria from your buyers, then offer other smaller prizes along with this. The combination of these two approaches can help you make the entire contest a success.

If you have any intentions of increasing your social media users to share your video online, this is one way you can combine the tactic with the use of user-generated content. If you are one of those looking for a quick refresher, well, this is precisely what it sounds, not doubt it.

Work on the content that your audience puts together, which you can then use as promotional material in this regard. However, there is one problem with this which you need not ignore.

You see, UGC depends heavily, if not entirely, on the willingness of your audience to create content. If this audience is not willing to create this content, this approach might fail to work.

6. Consider Coming Up With the Best Ideas

Coming Up With the Best IdeasWell, considering this fact, it is right to say that the approach of UGC can be likened to that of high risk and, of course, high rewards approach as well. This, therefore, leaves it up to you to decide where you can take your chances and see if the approach works for you as it does for other people.  

You might want to know the best solution to this situation, which offers you a more realistic chance of success. There is as you would expect but as to whether it is going to succeed is a different thing altogether.

With this approach in getting social media users to share your video content online, it is believed that you will come up with the best ideas that will compel your social media users to share the content widely on their social media platforms.

Also, you need to know that the execution of the UGC can vary in some ways. However, even in this case, what matters is whether the kind of activity we have is engaging and compelling in any way.

Creating a UGC content where the only chance one has for winning is dependent on whether they share the content can be one of the ways you can use to make this process and approach a success. This way, you will have the best chance to increase your online authority, which will translate to success with your business in this regard.

7. Make Use of CTAs as Well as Social Media Share Buttons

Use Call to ActionsIf you intend to boost your chances of your social media users sharing your video content online on the available social media platforms, you need to have a perfect understanding of the friction concept. At the very core of friction, it is one thing that comes in between your user’s actions.

Even though we have so many definitions of friction, the best one is that it is the real threat to an enemy in this kind of business. If we have something that gets in between your audience and your actions, then this is one thing you need to get rid of soon as possible.

The logic here is straightforward, the harder it is for your audience to take action, the less likely they are to take any action you ask or expect of them. To stay abreast of these challenges.

You need to look for ways to eliminate this friction and make sure that there is none that exists in between to allow your audience to take action social media users to share your video content online with ease.


So how can you attract social media users to share your video content online? Well, there are so many ways you can use to do this, like the ones listed above. In the discussion above, we have entirely brought out some of the ways we have around that you can use to make all this possible.

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Ariana Smith is a Marketing Manager at iDream Agency. She is passionate about Social Media and co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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