Web Design Agency

6 Things You Should Look For In A Web Design Agency

published on: 13.07.2021 last updated on: 26.11.2021

Are you looking to take your business online? Well, that’s where your target audience is, and you need to be where your customers are. Having a company website is the most effective way of reaching out to an online audience. It helps bring forth your brand personality and image. However, not all businesses are up to the task. This is where a web design agency can come to the rescue.

But, you cannot just go for any agency. Study the parameters below, and may the best agency win your web design contract!

Things to look for when picking a web design agency

They Set The Tone For The Long Term

An agency is proficient in building for you a heck of a website. It will render smooth and seamless functions in the short term. However, sustaining your online presence will take a lot more than just a website.

As your brand and business evolve in the virtual arena, you would, at some point, want to make minor updates – site changes or blog content. Now, relying on the agency for every darn thing will cost you. Your solution then is to look for an agency that can build a content management system or CMS and train you in using it.

They Update Your Website With Time

There is a reason why one looks to hire a web design agency – they are experts!

Websites are not a one-off deal but rather a dynamic endeavor. It could have been a while since your website took off, but the relationship with the agency has not ended. When selecting the perfect agency, there are a couple of questions that you should pose.

  • What is the average term of client relationships?
  • What type of maintenance and updates do you provide?

An In-House Developer’s Team Is A Must

It is common for a web design agency to outsource its services. However, it is best if considerable work is in-house. The primary reason why this makes for a telling factor is communication. When an emergency shows up at the door, you do not want to be at the mercy of intermediaries to get a hold of the agency.

Having multiple outsiders will slow down the process considerably. Additionally, it will leave too much room for the details to squeeze through the cracks.

The pertinent questions that you should ask are:

  • Does your agency have an in-house team of developers?
  • What are the mediums that I can use for reaching out in times of help?

Look For One That Offers Add-On Capabilities And Services

Several moving parts come together in making a stellar website. Chief among them are SEO, graphic design, branding, copywriting, and marketing automation.

You should be clear about the overall scope of your website. The architecture and build of the website aside, think of these moving parts as ancillary elements or performance enhancers.

Once done, identify web design agencies that are capable of offering these services under one roof. There should be at least a small group of people managing these elements. Better yet, if a single person is designated with each area – this makes communication a whole lot easier.

Probing questions that you can ask the agency representatives are:

  • How will you accomplish the various steps of development – infrastructure, content, and design?
  • Who will manage each aspect, and how do I get in touch?

Site and Experience Customization

There is a rising necessity for businesses to render personalization. There are numerous tools and templates out there that one can use. Also, as a business owner, you do want your website to stand out from the competition. Choosing the most profound ones requires some knowledge, or else you will end with a stale platform. WordPress, for instance, is an excellent starting point as it has over 10000 templates.

To stand out from the crowd, having the best of both worlds is paramount. Differentiation is the key consideration here! You can start with a template, but the agency should customize it to your liking.

Questions To Ask:

  • Will you be designing the site from scratch, or do you have templates?
  • If you use a template, how much liberty do I stand to gain?
  • Would it be possible for you to tell me something you cannot customize?

Portfolio And References

A portfolio entails a repository of previous projects and references the reviews and ratings. Now, the former is similar to a CV. Although mentioning projects, this does not provide a complete story.

That’s when you should look at client ratings and reviews. Think of these as word-of-mouth. Only if the bulk of the responses are positive should the agency merit a position in your short-list.

What Should You Ask For To Get More Clarity?

  • Can you show me a sample of your previous projects?
  • Do you still work with these companies? If yes, then in what capacity?

So do your due diligence before narrowing down the final list of web design agencies. Taking it for granted makes for the biggest sin, and half-hearted or no research will backfire.

Parting Words

Having a company website is the most effective way of reaching out to an online audience. But, creating a website is no cakewalk. This is where outside assistance from a web design agency comes in handy.

But, How Do You Pick The Greatest One?

Firstly, find out whether the agency can build a profound CMS and train you in using it. Also, enquire about an in-house developer team. Next, ask about add-ons. Once done, probe about site experience and customization. Finally, move to evaluate the agency portfolio. Do not forget to look at client ratings and reviews.

Once you have all your ducks in a row, the decision should be easy to make.

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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at BloggerOutreach.io.

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