hootsuite roi calculator

5 Ways to Measure Social Media ROI with Hootsuite ROI Calculator



The bookish meaning of ROI is the return of investment. And when we are talking about the social media ROI. It is going to represent the return of investments from your social media activities.

As a professional digital marketer, you know how social media will bring you more value for your brand. But how are you going to calculate the social media valuation? For this work, an ROI estimate is going to help with your social media valuation.

Hootsuite ROI calculator has sorted out all your ROI calculator-related problems. Marketers can easily compute the ROI for their SMM campaigns.

If you still do not know about the Hootsuite ROI calculator, go through the article and know how to calculate ROI in marketing.

You can analyze the audience to ascertain their anticipated reaction from the ROI calculation. But first, we have to start from the ROI marketing definition.

Let’s see the definition of ROI marketing.

What Is ROI In Social Media Marketing?

What Is ROI In Social Media MarketingFor every marketing campaign, the ROI is like the parameter that will denote the performance level of the marketing campaign. The social media marketing ROI is denoting how your social media marketing and branding is going on. 

This means how successful your promotions are going to be. And what amount of led generations you can expect from your social media marketing campaigns. And in 2021, as an ROI tool, the Hootsuite ROI calculator is the most popular one.

Social media branding and promotions are going to require investments.ROI chart is denoting in what way of calculating ROI makes it easiest to compare investments? So making your promotional work a successful ROI estimate is an essential step.

Let’s see how you calculate ROI.

How Can Calculate The ROI With The Hootsuite ROI Calculator?

Calculate The ROI With The Hootsuite ROI CalculatorHootsuite ROI calculator is a calculator which is performing based on some parameters. Using the social media advertisements analysis tools, you will get the required data. And from this data, the Hootsuite ROI calculator will analyze your advertisement performance.

The present performance of your social media advertisements and future advertisement planning is also becoming easier to make.

Here are the five ways to measure the ROI with the Hootsuite calculator.

1. Your Social Media Advertisement Objective

Social Media Advertisement ObjectiveWhen you want to make your branding and promotional work successful, first understand the objective of your advertisements. For example, most startup brands are investing in social media advertisements to generate maximum confirmed leads. 

And the older brands who are investing in social media advertisements are focusing more on their brand name. The advertisements are also necessary for big brands because you keep maintaining your place in the race by the advertisements.

Brand name and lead generations both are the main targets of promotion. Along with these from your single advertisement, you will know your customer satisfaction level.

2. Understand Your Target 

Understand Your Target One old phrase is to fix the realistic target. Many marketers and brands are earning thousands from their one single social media advertising, but you have to analyze your brand’s potential and the marketing campaign.

Estimate the single goals of your advertisements. Before measuring performance metrics in the Hootsuite ROI calculator.

Gather all the data related to your Facebook advertisements. Like your conversation rate. Advertisements share rate, customer feedback, etc.

And when you are going to analyze these factors, you can tell what would be your achievable target. On this measurement, your advertisement promotional budget is going to depend.

3. Measure The Landing Page Conversion Rate

Measure The Landing Page Conversion RateMeasure The Landing Page Conversion RateThis is very important data for calculating the ROI social media value. When you are going to clout the ROI value with the Hootsuite ROI calculator, you have to directly insert the data in the calculator.

The Hootsuite social media tracking tool will help you measure the page landing rate and the conversion rate.

To calculate the ROI of your Facebook advertisement, you will need to analyze these factors.

  • Audience engagement ratio
  • Site traffic metrics
  • Genuine leads generation ratio
  • Conversions rate
  • Revenue generated amount

Your page crawling ratio, page traffic, and customer engagements, and share of your advertisements will help you determine the exact performance of your individual page advertisements.

4. Calculate Your Promotional Expenses

Calculate Your Promotional ExpensesYour promotional expenses are the most significant factor. Do you think you are going to invest a bulk of money in your promotion?

It will bring the maximum conversion rate or engagement.No that is not true. For investing smartly, you have to plan the smart way.

When you are going to analyze the Facebook ad promotional expenses, you need to sum up all the following costs to know the correct figure of expenses.

  • Cost measurement of AI-based tools and platforms
  • The budget allocated to social media advertisements
  • Cost and time for content creation
  • Agencies fees

5. Generate ROI Report

Generate ROI ReportWhen you start using the Hootsuite ROI calculator, all four parameters will help you determine the exact number.

In reality, the statistics show only 40% of the marketers are going to share their FB ROI advertisement report. Apart from it, 60% of marketers do not share their ROI reports on social media platforms.

But this ROI report is going to help you to make your promotional work more strategic. But these ROI reports are going to help you to measure up your performance level.

From your one metrics, you can reorganize your branding and promotions. Hootsuite is providing all sorts of facilities to make your Facebook ad campaign successful.

Wrapping It Up:

Hootsuite ROI calculator and Hootsuite social media advertisements campaign analytical tools are going to help you analyze the performance of your social media advertisements.

And from this advertisement analysis, your future planning about the branding and promotions will be more stable and refined.

So what is your opinion? Are you currently using an AI-based social media advertisement tracking tool? Do not forget to share your comments in the comment sections.

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Tags advertising ROI Calculator fd ads roi calculator google ads roi calculator social media roi formula
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Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Viacon, a digital marketing agency that drive visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at BloggerOutreach.io.

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